Saturday, June 29, 2024

Iran threatens 'obliterating war' if Israel attacks Lebanon

Iran threatens 'obliterating war' if Israel attacks Lebanon

Iran will open a war to obliterate Israel if it launches a major attack on Lebanon, the Islamic Republic's UN mission said in a post late on Friday. "Albeit Iran deems as psychological warfare the Zionist Regime's propaganda about intending to attack Lebanon, should it embark on full-scale military aggression, an obliterating war will ensue," the post said. "All options including the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table."

The question of whether Israel would opt for a military operation to remove Hezbollah from its northern border was the subject of a heated debate in the cabinet on Thursday. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who ended his official visit to Washington, said Israel was amenable to a diplomatic solution that would return security to the area and enable the tens of thousands of Israelis who evacuated immediately after the October 7 Hamas massacre in the south, fearing a similar assault from the Iran-backed Lebanese terror group, to return to their homes.

"I told the Americans that we are not those who are seeking war in the north and that if we reach an agreement to remove Hezbollah from the border, it would be acceptable," Gallant said in the meeting. Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir opposed that position. "Have we not learned from the 20 years of agreements? With an agreement, within a year of two our women would be raped, and our children murdered," he said.

According to a report in Politico on Thursday, American intelligence estimates a wide-scale conflict could erupt between Israel and Hezbollah in the coming weeks if no cease-fire agreement is reached with Hamas. According to the report, the Biden administration tried to persuade both sides to quell tensions. However, American officials remain doubtful that the potential Israel-Hamas cease-fire agreement on the table will materialize.

Both Israeli and Hezbollah officials, according to American sources, have already prepared battle plans and are working to acquire additional weapons. Another senior official speaking to Politico cautioned, "The risk is higher now than at any other point in recent weeks." In Europe, several countries advised their citizens to leave Lebanon due to fear of war, and Canada plans to evacuate thousands of its citizens from Lebanon.

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