Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Navigating the Modern Totalitarian Hellscape

Navigating the Modern Totalitarian Hellscape

Today’s global society is totalitarian. This is not really an opinionated statement, and the better that one understands its actuality, the faster we will be able to emerge from this dark age.

What is totalitarianism? This is a characterization of political, social, economic, and cultural factors that lead to a centralization of power. It is authoritarian in the sense that the powerholders wield authority maximally and violently. It is often akin to tyranny, where leadership exercises power unchecked, with abandon, with great prejudice, and destroys all dissent. What has brought us here?

There are many explanations and realistically this is a situation where the many conditions were ripe for the present power structure to arise.

One of the main causes is the technological dictatorship that is pervasive worldwide. A small handful of companies control massive flows of information. The individuals who own and direct these corporations have permitted their own ideological opinions to sway the direction of society. They are socialists and communists— products of the hard left. These individuals seem intent to project their worldview with such harsh application that they even prevent competition.

Competition itself is incredibly important for markets to work. Without it, the population essentially becomes slaves. Climbing the socioeconomic ladder becomes all but impossible, as kt depends not on merit and skill, but on identity and one’s ability to suck up to powerholders. It is dependent upon ego, rather than entrepreneurial talent.

A total embrace of totalitarianism has gripped the current generation of leadership, and they appear intent on allowing no opposition. Look no further than Mexico, where political opponents ha e been outright killed during the current federal elections. This is the dream of the hard leftist— to engender violence in order to secure power.

...corporate sectors have fused with the government in a virulent form of fascism. The current federal executive, which took power essentially as a junta, represents this modern fascist state.

Under this regime, citizens are kept under a heavy surveillance blanket. Freedom as a concept has been redefined to include guardrails against any action that might upset the status quo. It is all but impossible for the private citizen to prosper, to establish or grow entrepreneurial business venture, or even to have a family. Dissenting voices have been imprisoned. This is straight tyranny.

Modern US society is divided sharply into the capital holders, who mostly benefit from the technological infrastructure in place, and a vast underclass of workers who are forced under a glass ceiling. Using the power of the surveillance state, the corporatist bureaucracy has squeezed citizens’ savings maximally, while preventing real wage growth by sparking wild inflation.

The inflation itself through monetary debasement has been combined with actual attacks on agricultural and transportation infrastructure. The purpose is twofold— to destroy productive enterprise in order to limit supply, and to generate opportinities for disaster relief.

Simultaneously, the federal executive and its political apparatus has propagandized the population through outright lies and dishonest falsehoods about the state of the country. True information is suppressed in favor of narrative-based news that promotes racial division and foreign war.

Altogether, this amounts to an absolute hell for the ordinary citizen. To consider that some individual has dreamed up this campaign is so farfetched given the absolute evil a group of people must be possessed by in order to want to do this to their own countrymen. The alternative is that there is no definitive leadership, so in the chaos and anarchy of feeble attempts at progress, the end result is total disarray and destruction.

Through it all, there is no clear indication whether foreign influence plays any role. Realistically, given modern techniques in warfare, the level of control that can be exercised through digital internet-based screen-centered technologies combined with other forms of signals intelligence is at a point where individuals, small groups, and large crowds can be manipulated unless they are acutely aware and vigilant.

Awareness and vigilance is totally lacking.

The technocracy has seen to it that individuals rarely communicate information through spoken conversation. Instead, they are encouraged and forced through an array of aspects— a financial system that has been structured to minimally benefit private individual citizens, an infrastructural system that requires total obediance to state authority to utilize, a cultural system that prevents free travel through wealth restriction, a society that encourages blind zealotry favoring the fascists in government and corporations.

Powerholders have no attention for the individual’s concerns, instead listening to whomever is the wealthiest, because that is a way the politician can gain wealth. Recently in Washington at a congressional hearing on the weaponization of the justice system, a private citizen attempted to speak and participate in discourse. A Democrat Party member on the committee rudely shouted down that civilian by saying, “You cannot speak here.”

What democratic society does not allow private citizens to speak in the federal legislative sessions? This is totally outrageous. The fact that nobody is speaking out about this reality shows clearly how bad the situation is. The citizenry has totally lost perspective on what a democracy is and how democracy is practiced— or even how a civil society functions.

Look at these congressional committees, where a sheepish audience sits perfeclty quiet and says nothing and reacts not at all to highly politicized conversation. There is no outcry when officials say the most ridiculous or outrageous things— even lies and falsehoods are allowed to air with no rebuke.

There must be leadership that can restore the actual practice of democracy, the power of the individual, and the cultivation of local communities.

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