Saturday, June 22, 2024

Hezbollah hits at least two homes with anti-tank missiles in northern Israel

Hezbollah hits at least two homes with anti-tank missiles in northern Israel

Hezbollah on Saturday took responsibility for firing anti-tank missiles toward Metula located in northern Israel, hitting at least two homes, and setting fires in the area. According to the terror group the missiles were targeting “homes used by [IDF] soldiers in retaliation for yesterday’s attack in Khiam.”

Shortly after the Iran-backed terror group’s statement, Hezbollah-owned Lebanese news outlet Al-Manar reported artillery shillings were felt in villages in the southern part of the country.

Tensions on the northern border have reached a boiling point between Israel and Hezbollah amid reports that Israel was planning to move resources from the fighting in Gaza to the north in preparation for a possible war with the terror group.
In an unusual move, Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah also threatened Cyprus for the first time last week for allegedly allowing Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises.

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