Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bilderberg 2024 Review:

Bilderberg 2024 or How the Elite Subverts Politics

The 2024 Bilderberg Conference was the event’s 70th edition, and there are no signs of winding down. Quite to the contrary, considering the notability of this year’s attendees and the scope of the topics discussed, it is clear that the Bilderbergers are more determined than ever to bend the world according to their will.

A thorough look at the guests in attendance, the entities they represent, and the links they maintain with each other is a fascinating yet upsetting experience. Because, seriously, there is no way one CANNOT be a “conspiracy theorist” when one realizes that these politicians, mega-corporations, “journalists,” and other luminaries are literally colluding behind closed doors in secret meetings. This feeling is exacerbated by the fact that Bilderberg Conferences operate under Chatham House rules, which require participants to be sworn to secrecy and not disclose the identity or affiliation of any particular speaker.

This year’s event occurred from May 30 to June 2nd at Eurostars Suites in Madrid. While a high level of security usually surrounds these conferences, this year’s event was simply absurd. And, when a fleet of police vans escorted the King of Spain to the Conference (although he was not listed in the official list of attendees) while a hive of surveillance drones hovered around the premises, the site resembled a dystopian police state.

The discussions at Bilderberg meetings are held in complete secrecy, but its official website usually publishes a (rather laconic) list of topics on the agenda. This year’s topics were:

  • State of AI
  • AI Safety
  • Changing Faces of Biology
  • Climate
  • Future of Warfare
  • Geopolitical Landscape
  • Europe’s Economic Challenges
  • US Economic Challenges
  • US Political Landscape
  • Ukraine and the World
  • Middle East
  • China
  • Russia

These topics can be summed up in a single sentence: “How can we utilize politics, technology, big pharma and the media to bring about a global world order”?

Here’s a look at Bilderberg 2024.

Shaping AI to Serve the Elite

As seen above, artificial intelligence was an important topic at Bilderberg 2024. This incredibly powerful technology is currently in its infancy, and you better believe that the global elite wants to shape its development to fit its needs. To do so, the Bilderbergers do not create “committees” that produce vague “recommendations.” Nope, they bring in the CEOs of the biggest AI companies and give them orders.

Therefore, Bilderberg 2024 included Demis Hassabis, the CEO of Google DeepMind; Mustafa Suleyman, the CEO of Microsoft AI; Palmer Luckey, Founder of Anduril Industries; and Arthur Mensch, the CEO of Mistral AI. 

Also, Alex Karp of Palantir Technologies was invited. This massive big data corporation has worked with the CIA, the DHS, the NSA, the FBI, and the CDC. The company’s corporate clients include Morgan Stanley, Merck KGaA, Airbus, Wejo, Lilium, PG&E, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. In 2020, the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) awarded Palantir an emergency non-competitive contract to mine COVID-19 data.

One of the company’s offerings is Palantir Gotham, a product that uses AI for the dystopian concept of “predictive policing” (yes, like the movie Minority Report). However, considering the fact that crime is actually on the rise in major cities around the world (some say it is by design), one can ask: What is this technology actually used for?

Infiltrate the Media

The main goal of this site is to highlight the global elite’s total infiltration of mass media. From entertainment to “journalism,” nearly all media that reaches the masses needs to comply with the elite’s agendas. For this reason, Bilderberg meetings always include powerful figures in all forms of media.

This year’s meeting included Gerhard Zeiler, the President of Warner Bros. Discovery International – a media conglomerate that owns brands such as Adult Swim, Boomerang, Cartoon Network, Discovery Channel, TLC, TBS, TNT, and Warner TV.

Of course, the music industry cannot be ignored. For this reason, Daniel EK, the CEO of Spotify, was at the Bilderberg meeting. Was he being told how his near-monopolistic music distribution platform needs to be shaped to serve elite goals? Will it be used to promote elite-friendly artists only?


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