Tuesday, June 11, 2024

NATO's nuclear-armed countries, Britain, the US and France, are on permanent nuclear alert after the latest worrying developments inside Russia.

France, USA, Britain put on permanent alert: Putin adopts preventive nuclear strike – S. Karaganov's proposal with biblical references

NATO's nuclear-armed countries, Britain, the US and France, are on permanent nuclear alert after the latest worrying developments inside Russia.

According to information, Putin has "upgraded" Sergei Karaganov, his adviser who is an advocate of a pre-emptive and limited nuclear strike against Russia's enemies as a means of preventing a global nuclear apocalypse.

The dialogue between the two men is revealing and explains the nuclear alarm that has been sent to NATO.

NATO fears that Putin has adopted the application of the "Karaghanov Doctrine" especially after admitting changes to Russian nuclear doctrine.

That is why Putin placed Karaganov in a key role at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg and gave him the opportunity to analyze the pre-emptive nuclear strike and take questions from journalists.

The second goal was for the Russian people to understand what was at stake and to prepare . The long-running "nuclear debate" broadcast live on Russian state television had exactly this aim.

It is certain that there will be developments from the US in the coming days

 Putin placed his "hawk" and adviser, S. Karaganov, as moderator of the discussion at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg. Karaganov, whose choice was certainly not accidental, constantly and suffocatingly pressured B. Putin using even biblical references.

Nuclear recommendations and comments by Putin followed.

Putin was spotted meeting Karaganov ahead of the event.

"Are you going to stir things up?" asks Putin.

"I think that's why they called me ," Karaganov replies.

Later, the well-known TV presenter Kiselyov presented Karaganov and his Doctrine on Russian state television. Kiselyov said he  "supports a preemptive and limited nuclear strike on [Russia's] enemies" and explained that Karaganov's views "would sharpen the discussion [with Putin] and explain many things in detail."

Sergei Karaganov then emphasized that Russia must lead the escalation of this war, otherwise a global nuclear war is inevitable.


Anonymous said...

Limited nuclear war may be delusional. The Build Back Better mentality requires complete destruction of what is. These imbeciles that promote this ideology have every intention of depopulation of the entire planet with the exception of their seed. From that seed they intend to terraform the planet in their image of what they believe to be superior to what was. Biden uttered those very words again “Build Back Better” in reference to a question about Africa. Those words define their intentions. While Biden will not seed the planet as he is a tool of those that intend to, he is on board. Anyone that has said those words are either tools, puppets, or worse. Those that originated the concept likely believe themselves to be the seed and probably have bunkers prepared to house that seed. (Offspring) . They revel in their intent of playing GOD and equate themselves as GODs. Stay tuned as events are about to go hot.

Anonymous said...

The words Build Back Better do not include “improve upon”.

Anonymous said...

They reference a GOD like persona. They reference a “technological ark” that will allow them to weather the symbolic flood. Just in the days of Noah. The flood they intend to bring about is all encompassing. GODs they are not. Dangerous they are.