Monday, October 21, 2024

Iran, Israel And Prophetic Stage Settings To Consider

On Nuking Nuclear Iran
Terry James

Diplomats of the world consider it the most crucial area on the planet in terms of attempting to force peace. Those who study Bible prophecy from the True perspective presented in God’s Word should not be surprised that this region is front and center in the cry for peace and safety at this late hour on God’s Prophetic Timeline.

The region of which I write is that which was called Persia in ancient times. At the heart of this volatile geographical arena is, of course, the nation of Iran. The Iranian Islamic regime is the most vociferous government on Earth in declaring they want death to the people of another nation. Its Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, declares at every opportunity that Israel must be expunged from the land –and must be eradicated as a people. Additionally, he and those of his ilk within the regime want America destroyed.

Khamenei leads his people in the chants of death to the Great Satan (America) and death to the Little Satan (Israel) – thus, even though there is tremendous underground resistance by much of the populace within Iran against the fanatical, despotic government that has ruled since the Shaw was deposed.

The reason I say those who study Bible prophecy from the true perspective given in God’s Word shouldn’t be surprised is because Daniel the prophet recorded thousands of years ago that Persia was at the center of Israel’s troubles when he prayed so diligently for his people. Daniel told us, through his prophecy, that his people –hated and harangued by the Prince of Persia– would be on the earthly scene at the time of the end. And the book of the end, we certainly can believe with developments we’ve witnessed, has been opened (Daniel 12: 4) so that Bible students who truly seek Truth can recognize the lateness of this prophetic hour.

So Persia, at this very moment, is at the heart of Israel’s current problems, while that tiny country is surrounded by all Islamist nations that are used by Iran (Persia) as proxies to bedevil the Jewish state. And the fact that the Iranian leaders are blood-vowed to destroy their hated enemies, Israel and America, and knowing as Bible prophecy students who view eschatology from the True perspective –the PreTrib view– that Persia (Iran) is prophetically scheduled to be part of the Gog-Magog attack (Ezekiel 38-39) means that Iran’s nuclear development program is crucial to consider. 

The world’s diplomats don’t look through the prism of PreTrib Bible prophecy. They haven’t a clue that it is the God of Heaven Who will prevent all-out war. They refuse to believe any higher power than themselves can bring the peace and safety they want to broker between Israel and its neighbor antagonists. Neither do most of the Israeli government or IDF generals believe it is a Supernatural Power that guarantees their safety –although there is a small circle of those within both entities that possess some degree of belief in God’s Protection of Israel.

All parties –the diplomats and Israel’s government and military—do understand nuclear power and the threat to peace and safety that power represents. Thus, there is great controversy at present on what to do about Iran’s nuclear weapons that it is feared the blood-vowed Israel haters might soon have in their possession.

With the recent missile attacks directly from Iran, many are urging Israel to use this as an excuse to obliterate the nuclear development facilities. The following somewhat explains the ongoing angst.

“Israel has now its greatest opportunity in 50 years to change the face of the Middle East,” Naftali Bennett, a hardline nationalist and former prime minister who once described himself as to the right of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, recently wrote on social media. “We must act *now* to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, its central energy facilities, and to fatally cripple this terrorist regime.”

He added: “We have the justification. We have the tools. Now that Hezbollah and Hamas are paralyzed, Iran stands exposed.”

[Source: Washington Worries the Israelis Will Bomb Iran’s Nuclear Sites. But Can They? – The New York Times, October 9, 2024]

It seems to me there are some possible prophetic stage settings to consider in all of this.

Iran, we know (Persia,) will be at the heart of the Gog-Magog coalition when that horde descends in an all-out attack against an Israel which is at peace, according to Ezekiel 38-39. There seems no nuclear weaponry unleashed on the Jewish state, only primarily a land invasion.

The attackers’ nukes have somehow been taken out of the picture, so far as is known in that attack itself. Neither are Israel’s nukes apparently available to retaliate, as given in Ezekiel’s description of the assault. However, God Himself uses, it seems, some sort of Heavenly Nukes!

It is interesting that “fires on the coastlands” is part of the description of that tremendous prophetic scene. Are these nuclear in nature? Could be, but I rather am of the opinion that the fire that’s sent on the coastlands is a Supernatural Judgment sent by the Lord upon those in the region, other than the Gog-Magog attackers—the Anti-Semitic forces– who perpetrate evil against His chosen people. Perhaps it is like the sulfur and brimstone Judgment that fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah.

God has Dealt very recently with Israel’s enemies in observable ways for those who hold to Bible Truth and watch for prophetic signals of these troubled times. It will be, as Daniel the Prophet foretold, for those of us who name the Name of Jesus Christ to Watch and Discern these times that are almost certainly stage-setting for the coming Tribulation era (Daniel’s seventieth week).

“And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand” (Daniel 12: 8-10). 

Those who obey the Lord Jesus Christ’s Command are the “wise” at this moment about whom Daniel prophesied.

“And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch” (Mark 13:37). 

One of the most observable signals of that movement toward the Tribulation is Israel’s dealing with Iran’s (ancient Persia’s) nuclear weapons facilities. Actually, it is God’s dealing with Israel’s enemies you can “Watch” with Spiritual Eyes Attuned to Holy Spirit-infused Wisdom, as Daniel was given to tell us about by the Angel (Daniel 12: 8-10).


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