Saturday, June 25, 2022

Interactive Map Details Destruction Of Food Manufacturing Plants

Interactive Map Details Destruction of Numerous US Food Manufacturing Plants, Grocery Stores, etc. — Compares US Incidents to Global Trends

Earlier this month, The Gateway Pundit published an article on a list of US-based food manufacturing plants that were destroyed, damaged or impacted by “accidental fires,” disease, or general causes from 2021 to 2022 under the Biden administration. These data were first published at Think Americana.

I have been doing extensive research regarding what is going on with the food supply. I have created an interactive map that will let you click on (or hover over) an icon and it will provide all of the details to what happened at that location, including a link to the article. (Please see attached example)

If I had any doubts about this being on purpose, that is completely gone at this point. It’s almost terrifying seeing what is going on and the majority of people have no idea. Every day something else happens to add to this list. Things are happening so quickly now, that it is mind boggling. Big Tech is covering most of these up or burying them so far down the feed that most people never see them. I have investigative skills that I have used my entire career so I know how to get around all of that or I would never have found what I have.

I had not heard of anyone looking up actual grocery store fires so that is what started me down this path. Once I saw how bad it was and the patterns that are happening it was clear what they are doing, and I am now convinced they are getting people to help with this just like they did with the election. I realize that not all of these are on purpose but once you see how big this is, it cannot be denied that something evil is going on and we are about to have our legs kicked out from under us.

I have over 600 instances so far (I have read or watched every article to confirm it) and I have many more that I am trying to add. Almost 400 of these are just in 2022.

I have so much more to add to this list and I’ve been working on it nonstop. When all the news outlets came out saying it wasn’t true it made me want to prove them all wrong so this has been my main priority for a couple of months now. People are going to starve if something is not done about this. I figure if I can help anyone at all by giving them a heads up (there are too many locations to say it’s a coincidence) so they can try to prepare for their families then it will be worth it.

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