Saturday, October 19, 2024

BRICS Summit Will Determine Course Of History, Not American Presidential Election

BRICS Summit Will Determine Course Of History, Not American Presidential Election
Sorcha Faal

A vitally informative new Security Council (SCreport circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin hosted a round table with top officials from BRICS media outlets representing billions of peoples yesterday, says he factually observed: 

BRICS is a global association founded by the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China, and the Republic of South Africa, this report notes, whose first meeting of these nations representing the vast majority of the world’s population took place on 20 September 2006 on the sidelines of the 61stsession of the United Nations General Assembly in New York—and President Putin will host the 2024 BRICS Summit in Kazan-Russia from 22 to 24 October 2024

Yesterday, this report continues, the Foreign Ministry in New Delhiannounced that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the 16thBRICS Summit in the Russian city of Kazan next week, and he joins the list of BRICS member leaders whose offer of peace deals to end the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza have been rejected by the socialist Western colonial powers.

The guiding principals of BRICS members, this report details, are to promote global economic growth for the uplifting of peoples using peaceful dialogue through negotiations, instead of needless conflicts and economic growth destroying sanctions—for BRICS member Russia applying these principals it was reported this week: 

The World Bank (WB) has sharply raised its growth forecast for the Russian economy, projecting the country’s GDP to expand 3.2% this year...The figure is an upward revision from the institution’s previous projection of 2.9% growth...The WB also hiked Russia’s 2025 economic growth forecast to 1.6%, up from the 1.4% projected in June, according to its latest Europe and Central Asia Economic Update”—but for the United States applying its principals of needless conflicts and economic destroying sanctions, it was revealed yesterday: 

The Biden administration rang up a budget topping $1.8 trillion in fiscal 2024, up more than 8% from the previous year and the third highest on record...Government debt has swelled to $35.7 trillion, an increase of $2.3 trillion from the end of fiscal 2023...Interest expense for the year totaled $1.16 trillion, the first time that figure has topped the trillion-dollar level”.

The 2024 BRICS Summit, this report concludes, is being ignored by a American leftist propaganda media establishment that continues to pump out lying narratives about its presidential election, about which Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov factually assessed: 

Regardless of the outcome of the elections, we will remain for the United States, if not an enemy, then certainly an adversary...In any case, a competitor”—and Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko most powerfully and truthfully proclaimed:

 “The world has changed significantly...The upcoming US presidential elections will not be the most important event of the year for the world community and will not determine the further course of history...No matter how much Washington would like it to be...The BRICS summit will be that event”.

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