Wednesday, June 19, 2024

‘Climate Change’ Is An Unscientific Fear-Based Religion… And It’s All About Control

‘Climate Change’ Is An Unscientific Fear-Based Religion… And It’s All About Control

The issue of “Climate Change” is one that many Christians do not know how to grapple with. Is planet Earth genuinely on a collision course with catastrophic man-made climate change, or is this another issue that requires critical and Biblical examination?

In an interview with David Fiorazo on Worldview Matters,” Answers In Genesis Founder and CEO Ken Ham revealed that climate change science is rooted in more bias and corruption than many realize.

“Back in the 70s, I started dealing with the creation-evolution issue in a big way. It’s really a battle to understand the difference between observational science, what you actually observe, and historical science, your beliefs and interpretations about the past when you weren’t there,” Ham stated. “Observational science is one thing. That’s the science that builds our technology. But when it comes to historical science—beliefs about the past—I want people to understand, dealing with climate change is exactly the same.”

Ham highlighted that record-keeping for carbon dioxide levels goes back only 70 years and “accurate” temperature measurements a mere 40 years.

“These computer models are all based on evolutionary assumptions,” he underscored, “and if those evolutionary assumptions are not true, their computer models are certainly not true.”

The information the scientists are putting out, Ham noted, are actually contradictory to observational science. For example, “When it comes to carbon dioxide, they say [burning] oil and gas is increasing the temperature in the atmosphere. 

Actually, true observational science shows that when the temperature in the atmosphere increases, carbon dioxide levels decrease, and when the temperature decreases, carbon dioxide levels increase. So it’s totally different to what they’re saying.”

Furthermore, while carbon dioxide is painted in a villainous light, Ham stressed that it is “not a pollutant.”

“[Carbon dioxide] is a very important gas, and it only consists of 0.4% of our atmospheric gasses. Think about that. It’s only 0.4%. It’s a very, very small gas,” he stated, adding that there is “no proof at all human emissions are the driving force for environmental changes or climate changes.”

Similar to creation scientists, numerous experts in the field have been shunned by the scientific community and censored for contradicting claims of man-made climate change.

“They get all the media publicity. But you know, it’s been the same with the whole creation-evolution issue. Creationists don’t get good coverage in the media, but evolution is pushed and assumed, and people are brainwashed to believe it’s true,” Ham emphasized.

Harbinger’s Daily previously reported on Greg Wrightstone, a geologist and climate expert, who was banned from LinkedIn for questioning the climate narrative.

“I posted very interesting and very scientific charts and facts on temperature data through time, [carbon dioxide’s] relationship with temperature to show that throughout geologic time, CO2 really hasn’t been the control knob of the Earth’s climate,” Wrightstone explained. “We’re dangerous. They cannot allow our factually-based presentations to get out to the public, because what we say makes sense and it’s backed up by science.”

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