Thursday, November 9, 2023

The Soros Links To Hamas, Anti-Israel Protests

Defund the Soros Hamas Insurrection

 Daniel Greenfield

On October 18, pro-terrorist insurrectionists stormed the United States Capitol after a hate rally by two anti-Israel groups: IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace. Both hate groups had issued statements that either justified or rationalized the Hamas atrocities against Israelis.

IfNotNow’s statement after the Hamas rapes, killings and kidnappings argued that, “we cannot and will not say today’s actions by Palestinian militants are unprovoked. Every day under Israel’s apartheid system is a provocation.” Jewish Voice for Peace described the Hamas attacks as an incident in which “Palestinian fighters from Gaza launched an unprecedented assault” in response to Israeli “oppression” which is the real “source of all this violence”.

The pro-Hamas insurrectionists rally for a ‘ceasefire’ that would allow Hamas to attack again had come knowing that their actions were illegal and over 400 of them had intended to be arrested. Over 300 eventually were arrested for their insurrection in the Capitol’s Canon rotunda. Three of the extremists were taken into custody for assaulting police officers.

IfNotNow has a long history of getting its activists arrested to support terrorists and JVP has previously promoted events featuring terrorists and those arrested included key organization figures like Alissa Wise: a top JVP official who has supported terrorists and engaged in sustained harassment of Jewish people over their support for the Jewish State.

The Capitol Insurrection was one of a number of illegal rallies held by these hate groups including an attempt to take over New York’s Grand Central Station on the Sabbath which also led to multiple arrests. Participants included May Ye: a Chinese-American activist from Maine who claimed that she “became a rabbi to be a Jewish voice for Palestinian liberation”.

Both groups, like much of the pro-terror network, had benefited heavily from Soros funding.

The If Not Now Education Fund, the 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit arm of the 501(c)(4) extremist organization, had received two sets of two year grants from the Soros Open Society Foundations totaling $400,000 beginning in 2019 and running until 2023. JVP had also taken in $650,000 from OSF with multi-year grants beginning in 2017 and running through 2023. Like IfNotNow, JVP is a 501(c)(3) and has a 501(c)(4) arm. Both benefited from recent Soros grants.

Soros is knowingly funding riots and illegal activities by hate groups with a long history of such activities.

On Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue, anti-Israel protesters were arrested for blocking traffic at an event cosponsored by Adalah, a BDS group which helped produce the BLM platform calling for a boycott of Israel, and has received $1.5 million from Soros, as well as by JVP and IfNotNow.

In Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, Hamas supporters gathered for a “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine” hate rally whose name echoed “Al Aqsa Flood”: the Hamas name for its butchery in Israel. 19 were arrested after NYPD officers were assaulted and hit with fireworks and bottles by the hate filled mob. Participating groups included Linda Sarsour’s Arab American Association of New York, which received $60,000 from the Soros network, as well as Samidoun: a terrorist front group banned by Israel and Germany, whose fiscal sponsor the Alliance for Global Justice received $250,000 from Soros in 2020. (This money may have been intended for AFGJ’s BLM groups.)


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