Friday, April 30, 2021

False Messiahs

Behold The Vatican’s New Messiah And All Bow Down At His Clay Feet

Hype notwithstanding, the Lockdown world is not waiting breathlessly for the debut of the New Messiah on May 6, 2021, only the most unlikely of places—the Vatican—through its Pontifical Council for Culture, the Cura Foundation, the Science and Faith Foundation (TTOQ) and Stem For Life (SFLF)—is.

With little to no fanfare, the Vatican is giving Dr. Anthony Fauci its keynote speaking spot at an event touted as “Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul.” “How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health”.

More than passing bizarre that the MSM who favor Fauci with as much publicity as it does for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), pays scant attention to Fauci, ‘The Newly-Minted Vatican Messiah’.

It’s down to: Make way for the Vatican’s New Messiah and all bow down to his beaker’s face mask and just as visible clay feet.

Fauci, who has flip-flopped all over what to do about avoiding the Covid-19 pandemic, already owns human health, and now, courtesy of a digital Vatican “Health” conference is about to invade your immortal soul.

All Messiahs other than the original real One, come our way on clumsy clay feet.

Why is it that all media-manufactured ones, turn to religion in trying to dupe the masses?

Examples: Global Warming guru Al Gore, who was the homily messiah at St. John Divine Church in New York City.  (CANADA FREE PRESS, May 19, 2010)

‘Father of the Environment’, Canadian UN Poster Boy, Maurice Strong, who hooked up with Communist Mikhail Gorbachev in trying to replace the Ten Commandments with the Earth Charter. (CANADA FREE PRESS, Jan. 3, 2006).

The conference’s participants include: Lesser stars brought to the world stage by the Vatican’s anti-God Squad include vaccine developers, Mormon elders, pro-abortion Chelsea Clinton, population control advocate Jane Goodall, a New Age activist, a prominent UK Muslim scholar, and a pro-abortion American actress known for posing nude. (CANADA FREE PRESS, April 16, 2021)

Meanwhile, the Vatican, ostensibly there to save souls, is doing the world an injustice by presenting Fauci as a Messiah.

Even though in his day, the DNC tried to present Barack Hussein Obama as one, he was no Messiah but only another overly ambitious, self-centred politician.

Neither were the ever-loquacious Al Gore, Maurice Strong or Mikhail Gorbachev.  They were all Fake Messiahs.

There only ever was and will always be one true Messiah—our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Meanwhile, we should all fall on our knees and pray that the Vatican is impeded in making Fauci the New Messiah—even if we have to do it at home because Fauci’s Covid-19 fear mongering has managed to shut down all houses of worship.

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