Sunday, December 29, 2019

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich: Europeans Should Be 'Fiercely Ashamed' Of Treatment Of Migrants

Cardinal tells Europeans they should be “fiercely ashamed” of their treatment of migrants

“Luxembourg’s progressive cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich echoed a Christmas appeal for migrants by Pope Francis, decrying the exploitation of migrants in Greece and the shameful inaction of Europeans to help. Speaking at the cathedral in Luxembourg City, Cardinal Hollerich chastised his fellow Europeans for not coming to the aid of those living in refugee camps on the Greek island of Lesbos, which he personally visited last May at the pope’s behest.”
Progressive leaders of all stripes, in the Catholic Church also, have failed to recognize that not all migrants in the world are the same, just as not all people are the same. This is the reason we teach our children to be careful about strangers and to “discriminate” between a murderer and law-abiding citizen. Progressives instead lump all migrants, refugees and immigrants in the same group. They willfully ignore evidence which includes jihad attacks, abuses against infidels and other threats to national security that arise from reckless immigration policies. In the meantime, the loudest pro-open door migration voices — especially the Pope — are themselves protected by barriers and security.
There is no ill-treatment of migrants that warrants Cardinal Hollerich’s castigation of Europeans and charge that they should be “fiercely ashamed” regarding their treatment of migrants. Hollerich himself should be fiercely ashamed for not prioritizing Christians who are suffering genocide at the hands of Islamic supremacists, along with other abused religious minorities. There is big moneyfor the Church in the migrant business — enough to encourage the neglect of the safety of the faithful.
  • The Dalai Lama has declared that” “Europe is for Europeans….with too many Muslim migrants, the continent could become ‘Muslim’ or ‘African’….“Only a ‘limited number’ of migrants should be permitted to reside in Europe.” But he does not believe in abandoning the needy, as he goes on to instruct: “Receive them, help them, educate them, but ultimately they should develop their own country….I think Europe belongs to the Europe.”
  • As former head of the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission, Trevor Phillips “was very much part of that elite. He commissioned the 1997 Runnymede report that popularised the word ‘Islamophobia.’” But Phillips eventually concluded: “‘Everyone who has pinned their hopes on the rise of reforming and liberal British Muslim voices are in for a disappointment’….Phillips’s documentary professed to find surprising: that large numbers of Muslims don’t want to integrate, that their views aren’t remotely enlightened, and that more than a few of them sympathise with terrorism. It’s only the establishment elite that has ever pretended otherwise.” Stats exposed the following:
“52 per cent of Britain’s three million Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal; 39 per cent think a woman should always obey her husband; 18 per cent sympathise with people who take part in violence against those who mock the Prophet; 4 per cent — that equates to about 100,000 Muslims — have ‘sympathy for people who take part in suicide bombing to fight injustice’. Oh, and if any of them knew someone was involved in supporting terrorism in Syria, just one in three would report it to the police.”
  • “In direct contradiction to his boss, the Pope of IslamCardinal Robert Sarah has issued a warning about Muslim migration and the subsequent destruction of open-door Europe. Sarah declared that ‘it is a false exegesis [interpretation of scriptural text] to use the Word of God to promote migration. God never wanted these rifts.’ This is exactly what Pope Francis has been doing for quite some time, acting as a blind guide in preaching that it is un-Christian to oppose mass Muslim migration into Europe. Meanwhile, the Vatican remains walled up, and the pope remains surrounded by security.”

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