Friday, September 27, 2024

The “Comet Of The Century” Is Here! Has God Put It There To Be A “Sign In The Heavens”?

The “Comet Of The Century” Is Here! Has God Put It There To Be A “Sign In The Heavens”?

Is it just a coincidence that the “Comet of the Century” has appeared just as all-out war is about to erupt in the Middle East and a presidential election that has the potential to change life in America forever is about to be decided?  Perhaps you do think that it is just a coincidence, and you are certainly entitled to that opinion.  But my personal opinion is that it is not a coincidence that this comet has appeared at this specific moment in history.  In this article, I am going to share some truly remarkable things that I have discovered about this comet, and that will include some things that I did not learn until today.

In Genesis 1:14, the Bible specifically tells us that one of the reasons why God created the lights in the heavens was because He intended to use them as “signs”…

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years

And in Luke chapter 21, Jesus warned us that there would be “signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars” in the days prior to His return.

So anyone that attempts to claim that events in the heavens never have any meaning is directly contradicting the Bible.

All throughout human history, there have been important signs in the heavens.

And now the “Comet of the Century” is here.

This comet’s official designation is “comet C/2023 A3”, but it is also known as Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, and right now people all over the Internet are talking about it

Unless you’ve been on a hiking holiday in Outer Mongolia for the past year you’ve probably heard that there’s going to be a “bright comet” in the sky next month. It’s everywhere!

It’s called comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS), and you’re likely to be hearing a lot about it over the coming weeks.

Already you can’t go on social media without seeing half a dozen news stories announcing “the comet of the century is coming!” illustrated with an AI-generated graphic showing a brilliant ball of light with a glowing tail stretched out behind it.

The reason why the comet’s official designation has “2023” in it is because it was originally discovered in early 2023

As always, the name of the comet itself reveals important details about it, its official name is C/2023 A3 and proceeding in order the letter C indicates that it is a non-periodic comet, the number 2023 that was discovered in 2023, the letter A that its first observation took place in the first half of January and finally the number 3 indicates that it was the third object discovered in that same period. In reality, however, the official confirmation of the discovery of this comet took place on February 22, 2023.

We have now reached the time when it will start to become visible in the sky in the northern hemisphere, and that is very exciting.

According to an article that was posted by Wired, it was being projected that the date when the comet would shine the brightest would be October 2nd…

C/2023 A3 will shine in the northern hemisphere sky from September 27 and will remain visible until the last week of October. During this period, the comet will reach its minimum distance from the sun, before beginning its journey back out of the solar system.

According to the specialized blog Cometography, the day when C/2023 A3 will shine the brightest will be October 2. The comet’s tail will be long and spectacular at this point due to its proximity to the sun.

As I discussed in a previous article, Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on October 2nd.

In addition, there will also be a “ring of fire” solar eclipse on October 2nd.

So on Rosh Hashanah the “Comet of the Century” will be the brightest at the exact same time that a spectacular “ring of fire” eclipse is appearing in the sky.

That is quite a “coincidence”.

There will only be two solar eclipses during 2024.

The first was the Great American Eclipse on April 8th, and the second will be the “ring of fire” eclipse on October 2nd.

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