Tuesday, September 3, 2024

CHICAGO: Shocking 911 Call Reveals Armed Venezuelan Gang Members on Motorcycles Overtake Apartment Complex

CHICAGO: Shocking 911 Call Reveals 32 Armed Venezuelan Gang Members on Motorcycles Overtake Apartment Complex

American citizens have been watching in shock as Venezuelan gangs are taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, just outside of Denver.

Denver is a hot spot for dumping Venezuelans who’ve crossed our open-borders while Joe Biden’s Border Czar Kamala Harris sat back and the crisis unfold.

Last night, a shocking 911 call was shared by Libs of Tik Tok on X, that revealed 32 armed Venezuelan migrants were attempting to overtake an apartment complex in Chicago last night.
The recorded call can be heard in the tweet below.

Here is a transcript of the call. 

911 Operator #1: A person with a gun. 

6124 S. King St. 

32 Venezuelans are trespassing in the building.

Showing guns in the courtyard, and they have motorcycles in the courtyard as well.

Are stairwells are filled.

Nothing further—it is unclear.

911 Operator #2: Hey, I’m sorry. Are you headed over to shots fired or to the 6124 S. King for the migrants?

Chicago Police officer responds: On King Dr.

Alright, there’s another building at [ineligible]

We’ve had multiple calls for the guns at 6124 S. King.

Officers noticed a disturbance, a large gathering.

Could be 32 Venezuelans trespassing in the building property showing guns in the courtyard. 

There are motorcycles in the courtyard—all stairways filled. 

Listen to the 911 call here:

Winter is right around the corner. Did anyone honestly think these Venezuelan gangs who ruled the countries they came from, were going to be sleeping in tents in local parks while unarmed Chicago residents slept inside? 

This Chicago resident warns the ARMED Venezuelan gangs thinking about taking over their places of residency in gun-free Chicago, “We got switches!”


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