Monday, August 19, 2024

Russian Foreign Ministry Tells Turkish Ambassador Talks With Kiev Impossible Now

Russian Foreign Ministry Tells Turkish Ambassador Talks With Kiev Impossible Now

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said at a meeting with the Turkish ambassador to Russia, Tanju Bilgic, that negotiations with Kiev were impossible now after the attack of the Ukrainian military on the Kursk region, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday. 
"The Russian side has strongly condemned the barbaric terrorist attack of the armed formations of the Nazi Kiev regime in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. It was emphasized that in such a situation there could be no talk of any negotiations with Kiev regarding the prospects for a political and diplomatic settlement," the ministry said in a statement. 
Galuzin also pointed out to the ambassador the impossibility of discussing the problems of energy and food security, as well as the humanitarian aspects of the situation in Ukraine. The West is trying to impose this discussion on Moscow in the development of the conference on Ukraine in Switzerland, the ministry said.

"In this context, Moscow's unchanging position on the categorical unacceptability of the 'Buergenstock process' aimed at putting together an anti-Russian coalition and presenting Russia with an ultimatum based on the obviously unpassable and bankrupt 'Zelensky formula' was confirmed to the head of the Turkish diplomatic mission," it added.

The Russian diplomat also emphasized Russia's position on the inadmissibility of pumping Kiev with Western weapons. 
"An appeal was made to the Turkish Republic to refuse to participate in such destructive policies of the countries of the collective West. 
"A mutual commitment to further development of constructive relations between Russia and Turkiye was confirmed," the ministry concluded.

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