Friday, July 26, 2024

Israel: The Enemy Of The New Church Of Globalism

Israel may face a dilemma: to be destroyed or win at a terrible cost
Alexander Maistrovoy

Till now not a single person has died of hunger in Gaza. They die in the other parts of the world from Islamic genocide, like in Sudan, Nigeria or Congo, but nobody cares about it. The rights of Palestinians are above the rights of Sudanese Christians, Kurds, Boers in Southern Africa, or Baha’is in Iran.

Palestinians are the high caste of mankind because they are a strike force aimed at destroying Western Judeo-Christian civilization.

The offensive is being waged on a broad and powerful front, which includes China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Islamists and, most importantly, Western globalists who hate their own peoples and Israel as a symbol of the triumph of Biblical prophecy.

The Jewish state, like the Jews before it, is once again at the forefront of history.

Israel, outpost of Western civilization, is the enemy of the New Church of Globalism, and must disappear in the name of the triumph of the “Red-Green revolution.

This “Red-Green revolution” involves the destruction of very foundations of Western civilization: family, morality, freedom, rationalism, humanistic values, science, art, culture, national traditions, classical literature and philosophy.

In place of the existing civilized states of Europe and North America, a gigantic “consumer plankton” should arise, cemented by the merciless laws of Sharia.

Today, few people remember the “Alliance of Civilizations,” but it became the most outspoken expression of this project.

The "Alliance of Civilizations " of Obama, Zapatero (Prime Minister of Spain) and Erdogan, created in 2004, was nothing else but accepting voluntary the status of dhimmitude of Europe and USA in a future Caliphate.

Active participants in the project included former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, South African Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General.

The Alliance declared that "politics, not religion, is at the heart of growing Muslim-Western divide". This message demanded “correct” political decisions.

Which ones?

First, a radical change in the Western world through:

  • Education of youth, 
  • Mass migration from the Third World
  • Brainwashing by “liberal” media
  • Preaching of Islamic dominance as a “religion of peace”
  • Support of Iran, Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood.



Anonymous said...

The worst enemy of Israel are the same ones that have been from the beginning of existence. Those that Jesus called out. Those that John identified. It is time to place the blame where it belongs. Those that fund and have supported the destruction of Israel, those that are front and center at the helm of the globalist push for total control. Those that have been behind communism, Marx. Those that own the media, have a large foot print in governments, have accumulated large amounts of wealth, that are behind the moral decay of civilization. Those that are CEOs of multinational corporations, such as Disney. The George Soros, eta. Those that disobeyed GOD and worshiped the golden calf. Those that say they are like or can be GOD. The Yuval Noah Harari. The satanic irony in his name stands out. Yes, ultimately GOD will hook all that are aligned against Israel as Israel represents the rock and promise. . Pray for Israel, but rest assured GOD will protect Israel as will he protect and provide for the those that accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Israel will never be destroyed again and GOD will rapture the believers.

Anonymous said...
