Saturday, August 20, 2022

The WEF's Great Reset Requires 'Extensive Destabilization' Of The Existing Order

More Nightmare Shortages Are Coming Thanks To This Emerging Conspiracy

More recently, the war in Ukraine has been the scapegoat for supply chain disruptions, but these issues started long before that. Years of central bank stimulus and fiat money creation have triggered the inevitable landslide of inflation/stagflation that alternative economists have been warning about. Price inflation is a direct contributor to production declines and supply chain disruptions because costs continually rise for manufacturers. Also, wages of workers cannot keep up with rising prices, inspiring many employees to quit and look for work elsewhere. All of this leads to less supply, or slower production and thus, even higher prices.

It’s this kind of disinformation that keeps the public in the dark on what is likely to happen. Maybe it’s because of stupidity and ego, or maybe it’s a deliberate attempt to keep the population docile (I say it is deliberate). In either case the American people are being put in great dangerwhen it comes to the false narrative on inflation and the supply chain. The longer they are led to believe the disaster will simply go away on its own, the less time they have to prepare.

The bottom line is this: Things are only going to get worse from here on. Maybe slowly, or maybe quickly depending on a handful of factors.

Most of the world right now is focused on Taiwan and China’s persistent threats to invade. 

The supply chain crisis is going to accelerate into winter as stagflation persists. Price inflation will remain high. The US is indeed officially in a recession today. Two consecutive negative GDP prints is a recession. This is a fact that no one can change, including Joe Biden, Paul Krugman or Wikipedia. Reality does not answer to these people.

The system is breaking, and certain people greatly benefit.

A regional conflict with China could be the perfect smokescreen for a financial and supply chain collapse that was going to happen anyway.

But when the mainstream media talks about the triggers and culprits, they’ll never mention central banks and political corruption, they will only talk about Russia and China.

As I have noted in the past, the “Great Reset” agenda of the World Economic Forum, International Monetary Fund, the Bank of International Settlements and other globalist organizations requires an extensive destabilization of the existing order.

In other words, they need a controlled demolition of certain pillars of the economy. To frighten the public into accepting new collectivist and authoritarian models like the “Shared Economy” (where you will own nothing and like it), they will need a large and semi-chaotic disaster. People would have to be threatened with the loss of certainty, unsure each day whether they’d be able to get necessities like food and fuel when they need them.

This level of uncertainty drives calls for solutions, and the globalists will be there to offer their pre-planned objectives and “save the day.”

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