Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Great Reset And 4th Turning

The ‘GREAT RESET’ And The Fourth Turning

Make no mistake: HUGE change is upon US during this third decade of the Third Millennium no matter what predictions come true or don’t.

The GREAT RESET is really the “great global lockdown”.

The Powers That Be (TPTB) needed a pretext to lock down every country within the world community of nations … and so they simply conjured up one—the utterly fake and fabricated Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020.

There’s obviously no coincidence that the power elite had been throwing around so many notions having to do with the GREAT RESET throughout 2019 just prior to the staged Wuhan coronavirus outbreak.  The main institutional promoter of the GREAT RESET has been the World Economic Forum and especially its executive chairman Klaus Schwab.

Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) that meets yearly in Davos, is the perfect “Dr. Strangelove” to usher in the GREAT RESET. See: FLASHBACK: Dr. Strangelove and the Bomb (Video)

While the preceding video concerns the “Doomsday Machine” (you get the picture) in that Stanley Kubrick classic, it also foreshadows the workings of the thoroughly Strangelovian Klaus Schwab, particularly in light of his “leadership capacity at Sulzer Escher Wyss, the company sought to aid the nuclear weapon ambitions of the South African regime.”[1]

A certifiably crazy German engineer (and phony economist) — Klaus Schwab — was selected by the NWO cabal to pitch a GREAT RESET that is really a “great incarceration of the human race”.

The following excerpt from a highly detailed exposé entitled Schwab Family Values says it all:

The last question that should be asked about the real motivations behind the actions of Herr Schwab, may be the most important for the future of humanity: Is Klaus Schwab trying to create the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or is he trying to create the Fourth Reich?

Clearly, Schwab was installed at the WEF so he could advance the New World Order agenda in the wake of the global chaos, worldwide confusion and international conflict created by the absurdly Kafkaesque CORONAhoax.

Schwab and his ultra-rich WEF cronies are unilaterally implementing a covert supranational agenda that will ultimately strip national sovereignty and territorial integrity from every nation on Earth.  They are basically ghettoizing every square inch of planet Earth for the 99% while carving out green spaces for themselves via Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  Both of these UN agendas are simply ways of putting lipstick on the pig of the ongoing cultural genocide and massive land thefts being surreptitiously carried out around the globe.

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