The decline of a superpower does not happen overnight. Nor was America’s fall a result of random chance. The nation was purposely dismantled and what we recently witnessed were the death convulsions. To be sure, nothing was left to chance – even in the throes of the U.S. Constitution’s final death rattle. The coup de grâce came as the result of a planned deception so large, it was fitting for the end of a superpower. The plan successfully led the last bastions of resistance to global tyranny as lambs to the slaughter. Just as Trump called his sheep to the nation’s capital to become scapegoats for a new war on terror, the Q-anon operation likely assisted in the collection of their IP addresses.
The military zone in D.C. on Inauguration Day 2021 was just another manifestation of the new normal. It was a message. The color revolution is over. The nation is gone; subsumed by the radical left. This is why the GOP, U.S. institutions, and the justice system have all completely collapsed. The Marxists won without a fight because Trump and Q-anon destroyed the only resistance to the new world order: Heritage America was demolished from within and according to a plan. The plan was a patriotic psychological operation and Trump was the red, white, and blue disco ball spinning over the dance floor.
1 comment:
Different twist, but anything is possible, time will tell! It appears quite odd that Trump would out so many useful idiot's for NWO to real American's, and only to depart before the final curtain?
How could Biden have Military do his bidding if he was not sworn in yet, and if Trump did so, but only to not follow through, and leave, whose on first? Can't the Military think for themselves, protect America against all enemies domestic like rounding up all character's in mention, and foreign enemies, like those in waiting? You'd think, right?
It's like this topic is ripe for everyone to put a conclusion to the end of this confusingly crazy story, a story with so many twists, turns, and power given, power taken, powerless, powerful, and then there is "God"; God will have the last conclusion to this story, the whole truth, and it shall be! Evil is powerful only if we give it power, suggestion is we don't, and resist playing this sick game, as good has always done through time! Step back, and don't play those sick games. Create a new reality! My assessment, We are now in "Alice In Wonderland" and we can get back! (:
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