Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Mandatory Flu Vaccines At U.S. University:

Mandatory Vaccines & Woke Logic

In response to COVID-19, Cornell University requires that students returning to campus must receive a flu shot.

That’s not a typo: they want you to have a flu shot... to battle Covid.

Obviously the flu shot doesn’t protect you from COVID-19. But hey, this isn’t the first COVID response that makes absolutely no sense.

But it does indicate that Cornell, and other universities, might require students to receive a COVID vaccine when they become widely available.

In fact, in its “Behavioral Compact” which Cornell forced students to agree to before returning to campus, the very first line states,

“Until there is an effective vaccine for COVID-19, we live in a world of significantly enhanced community and personal health risks.”

The compact goes on to explain how everyone has a responsibility to adhere to the safety requirements, not just for themselves, but to keep the entire community safe, especially those most at risk.

And this, apparently, means requiring that everyone have a flu shot.

Well, not quite everyone:

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