Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Bolshevik Revolution II

The Bolshevik Revolution Has Entered Stage 3 of the Takeover of the Republic

Dave Hodges

...on June 1, 2020, I wrote and published an article entitled The Six Stage Plan To Destroy America Has Just Entered Stage TwoThis article serves as an update and progress report as to the status of the Bolshevik Revolution that has come to America.

Unfortunately, we have made significant negative progress in this six stage model since I first published it seven weeks ago. We have now clearly entered Stage 3 and Stages 4 and 5 are also somewhat in play and simultaneously in progress.

There has never been a revolution that did not use death squads. False flag attacks become the strategy of the day as well. These events drive a stake into the heart of the economy and render a comeback impossible. We are about ready to find out why the Democrats wanted totally open borders as opposed to implementing reasonable immigration policies. 
There are an estimated 1.3 million terrorists in America. These sleeper cells have been awaiting the activation call. As the race war of Stage Two begins to fade in intensity, it will be time to drive up the intensity. In Pre-Nazi Germany, that mean burning down the Reichstag. In America, all targets are on the table.
According to my Border Patrol sources, MS-13 was let into this country in 2014-15 during the height of the last immigration crisis. MS-13, in Central America, plays the exclusive role of assassins for public figures who do not bend to the will of the cartels. They were brought here for the same reason. We will soon see political hits on media figures, corporate executives and key opposition politicians. At this point, living in America will be a lot like living through the hell of the Bosnian Civil War. Most Americans cannot fathom how bad it will get. 
Hamas, ISIS and all the other terrorist groups are here in great numbers. These forces were jointly trained at paramilitary base camps in El Salvador and Honduras in paramilitary and terrorist tactics prior to coming the United States. This event has been covered from multiple perspectives on the CSS. This means that soon, we will see IED's on federal buildings in the spirit of the Oklahoma City bombings. It will mean mass execution of white people in malls and at sporting events as well concerts as they happen. Paul Preston had an embedded source at the CALEXIT meetings in which this was discussed and planned. 

The net effect of this stage is to promote the conflict necessary in order to give the United Nations the justification to enter American soil with foreign troops, under the Kigali Principles, and subjugate our government. We are already seeing this in Stage One as the UN has repeatedly warned the US about the killing of unarmed black Americans. The UN is already posturing. Obama signed the US into the Kigali Principles in the lame duck period of December of 2016. This plan has been in effect for sometime. 

Cetainly the attack on Judge Salas' family merely four days after she was assigned an aspect of the Epstein fiasco is telling. Assassination death squads are now active. 

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