Thursday, March 6, 2025

Dividing Israel And The Two-State Solution

Two-State Solution: Woe Unto A World That Pushes Israel Towards Destruction

The Global Times, an English-language Chinese newspaper, recently reported on China’s call for a two-state solution.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) run news organization detailed:

China calls on all parties to accelerate the two-state solution and support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday.

Behind the Gaza conflict is the delay in resolving the question of Palestine… Gaza is a Palestinian homeland and a part of Palestinian territory, and should not be a victim of international politics, adding that the parties concerned should continue to implement the ceasefire agreement and constructively advance follow-up negotiations.

The principle of “the Palestinians governing Palestine” should be upheld in the post-war governance of Gaza in line with the two-state solution with an ultimate goal to achieve peaceful coexistence between Palestine and Israel, as well as long-term peace and stability in the Middle East, he said. 

Let me reiterate that statement: “Behind the Gaza conflict is the delay in resolving the question of Palestine.” The Chinese Foreign Minister is ignoring the reality that there never was a long-lost land called Palestine that had its own unique culture, people, language, and government. That falsehood was perpetrated by Yasser Arafat.

China isn’t the only nation pushing a two-state solution on Israel. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emanuel Macron, the former Biden Administration, and many other world leaders also hold the same agenda, insisting that if Israel went back to pre-1967 borders, there would be peace and the October 7th massacre by Hamas would never have happened.

Needless to say, the so-called Palestinians had pre-1967 borders from 1948 to 1967, and yet they still formed the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), of which Yasser Arafat became chairman. As I’ve said many times, it’s not about borders for the Palestinians; it’s about Israel’s existence. Their slogan, “From the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, Palestine will be Free,” showcases their lack of interest in a two-state solution.

Woe unto the world that pushes Israel in this deadly direction -  The world refuses to acknowledge the facts and instead is forcing Israel to make peace with people who wish them dead. Gaza should be all the necessary proof that peace through this avenue is not possible. Israel turned the entire strip over to them in 2005—lock, stock, and barrel. What came out of it was the largest terrorist network of tunnels in the entire world and an elected terrorist regime intent on destroying Israel.

The Jewish State wanted to make peace, and as a result, Israel and the world were forced to witness a demonic display of the dead bodies of the Bibas children paraded to the cheers of Gazan civilians along with their children.

When looking at the fight Israel is facing, it is clear that the call for a two-state solution is satanic in origin.

Through the Bible, the reality of the spiritual nature of this battle becomes clear. God has made glorious promises to Israel. If Satan can somehow rid the world of Israel and the Jewish people, then God is a liar, and Satan can’t be judged. By Satan’s leading, the world is attempting to set Israel up for disaster.


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