Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Russia-Iran Alliance: Exactly As Prophecy Would Dictate

Just As Prophesied, Russia Has Chosen Its Side
T Rabinek

Iran’s weapons sale to Russia strained Russia and Israel’s relationship. Israel has been concerned about Iran and Russia’s increased military cooperation, mainly through arms deals and potential joint defense initiatives. The war in Ukraine exposed that Russia must obtain weapons from Iran. 

Russia understood this would be unacceptable in Israel, clearly indicating that Putin is not afraid to antagonize the two states completely. Although Israel is hesitant to enter full-blown conflict with Russia, Russia has chosen its side, evidenced by its invitation of Hamas leaders to Moscow on October 26, 2023. 

The Prophetic Perspective

Israel and Russia’s conflict may be linked to biblical prophecy. The prophet Ezekiel described the confederation of nations led by “Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal” (v. 2). Some terminology used in Ezekiel 38 is seen in the table of nations (Genesis 10). Magog, Tubal, and Meshech are descendants of Japheth (v. 2). In The Harvest Handbook of Bible ProphecyDr. Mark Hitchcock argues that the Indo-European race descended from Japheth, and the three regions mentioned in Ezekiel 38 (Magog, Tubal, and Meshech) refer to the territories of today’s southern Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey. Magog and Rosh, likely the same territory of southern Russia, are elevated to leadership in their charge against Israel. The main attack will come from a remote nation in the North (Ezekiel 38:639:215). There is no more remote nation north of Israel than Russia.

On September 30, 2015, Russia launched a military intervention in Syria after a request by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government, allowing Russia to play an important role in the Near East. 

And the war in Ukraine, which began with Russia’s invasion in February 2022, has drawn Russia and Iran closer in several strategic and economic areas.

It is unknown if Russia and Ukraine’s conflict will lead to this giant attack on Israel from the land of Rosh, but we know God is regathering His people, Israel, in the land. Ezekiel 37 was fulfilled when the State of Israel was born “in one day” (Isaiah 66:8). Ezekiel 38 and 39 come next. We may imagine giant armies from Russia, Iran, Turkey, and many Arab nations, but Israel’s assurance of victory is in the God of Israel. He will destroy its enemies (38:19–22), beginning a new era when Christ will return with His church to rule for 1,000 years in Jerusalem (Revelation 20).

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