Saturday, September 21, 2024



In the shadowy corridors of power, a sinister plan is unfolding. The global elite, driven by greed and control, along with the most corrupt political leaders, are actively trying to escalate the world into the unthinkable: World War III. To them, this catastrophic event is not the end of humanity—it’s their grand opportunity to reshape the world in their twisted image.

They see the war in Ukraine as merely the beginning, a spark that will ignite a much larger conflict between East and West. 

This isn't about protecting Ukraine or standing up to Russia—it's about destabilizing the world, collapsing economies, and consolidating their power over broken nations. In their vision, war is the ultimate tool for mass manipulation, fear, and control.

For the elites, the devastation of World War III is not a disaster. It's the perfect storm to establish a new global order, one where they reign supreme and every citizen is reduced to a pawn in their game. Be warned: Ukraine is just the start. The real nightmare is yet to come, and the globalists won’t stop until the world burns at their feet.

For those paying attention, the real reason behind NATO's involvement in the Ukraine War has always been clear. Ukraine itself holds no direct relevance to the interests of the Western public, no connection to European security, and absolutely no significant impact on the economic growth of the United States. So, why has NATO, alongside the global elites, been meddling in the region for nearly a decade, dating back to at least 2014, laying the groundwork for an inevitable clash with Russia?

Let’s be honest. I don’t hold Russia in any higher regard than I do Ukraine. Both nations are entangled in a web of globalist ties. Russia’s connections with these elites run deep—how deep is debatable, but there’s no denying they exist. Perhaps Russia is genuinely done playing along, and the days of trying to secure a seat at the globalist table are over. 

But one thing is certain: the Western elites want a global war, and they’ve been relentlessly working to ignite it.

Now, take a moment and flip the script. Imagine compiling a list of all the covert and overt NATO operations within Ukraine. Now, envision Russia pursuing these same destabilizing tactics right on America's doorstep, in Mexico, just as the Soviets did in Cuba during the 1960s. If the U.S. were to invade Mexico preemptively, it would be completely justified. This is the same situation in Ukraine.

The war became unavoidable because NATO made sure there was no other path. But what is the endgame of this proxy war? It serves little purpose... unless, of course, the ultimate goal is to trigger a larger global conflict between East and West. If that’s the case, then the globalists stand to gain a lot.

First, they find a convenient scapegoat for the economic collapse they've already set in motion. They sow widespread fear, making the public so desperate they’ll beg for the political elites to intervene and "fix" everything. Worse still, they’ll eliminate their domestic opponents—those who oppose the globalist agenda, particularly conservatives and patriots. Any dissenting voice can be accused of “working with Russia” to undermine the war effort, effectively silencing any opposition.

But the elites won’t stop there. They also see an opportunity to send young men, the potential rebels, off to die in the Ukrainian trenches. This way, a whole generation of potential freedom fighters is wiped out before they even get the chance to resist. World War III is a win-win for the globalists—so long as it doesn’t escalate into a nuclear catastrophe that wipes out their carefully constructed surveillance states.

But the question remains: How do they escalate a proxy war into a global one without taking the blame? The answer lies in a dangerous game of provocation. Ukraine, the proxy in this case, would have to push Russia into a catastrophic reaction. The West needs Russia to use tactics or weaponry that threaten civilian lives on a massive scale, thus forcing NATO or the UN to intervene.

What they really need is for Russia to obliterate a major city, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. They need Russia to deploy massive bombs or even nuclear weapons. A dramatic war crime is essential; without it, the Western public won’t support sending troops on the ground, let alone endorse a military draft.

The truth is, Kursk was never about winning the war for Ukraine. It was about provoking Russia. Ukraine's foray onto Russian soil changed the entire narrative. The media now claims Russia’s "red lines" are meaningless, and Ukraine has exposed Putin’s nuclear threats as mere bluff. There’s an increasing push for NATO to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles capable of striking deep into Russian territory.

But make no mistake, any official NATO-sanctioned strike on Russian soil would be a step into direct warfare. Even though NATO advisers have been on the ground in Ukraine since the conflict began, the public doesn’t officially know this. If long-range NATO strikes were launched into Russia, it would push Putin to escalate further, potentially targeting major Ukrainian cities that have remained relatively untouched. This could turn into an all-out slaughter of civilians, providing NATO with the perfect excuse to get directly involved.

What’s even more concerning is the role of globalist think tanks like the Atlantic Council, which has been guiding Ukraine’s strategy from the shadows. The Atlantic Council is deeply connected to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and has been advocating for Ukraine’s entry into NATO since at least 2014—an ambition that sparked the war in the first place.

The Atlantic Council, with figures like neo-conservative war hawk Lindsay Graham in its ranks, is driving the narrative that NATO missiles won’t provoke a Russian nuclear response. It’s madness, and yet this propaganda has been widely circulated in the media. If Ukraine does start launching long-range strikes into Russia, it’s only a matter of time before Putin retaliates with overwhelming force.

If the globalists fail to convince Western populations to support ballistic missile strikes, they have a backup plan. Ukraine recently announced they’ve developed their own long-range missiles, which conveniently fall outside NATO’s control. These strikes will almost certainly push Russia into a brutal response, and Western warmongers will seize on the event to push for U.S. military conscription.

And they’ll need to do it soon, before the November elections, where Donald Trump is poised to take back the presidency. Trump has openly stated that he plans to end the Ukraine war if he takes office, likely through a peace deal that forces Ukraine to surrender the Donbas to Russia. But the globalists can’t allow peace—they need this war to spiral out of control.

Ultimately, the elites don’t want peace. They want destruction. They want to ensure that the war becomes irreversible, that there are too many civilian casualties for diplomacy to be an option. In their twisted minds, World War III is not a disaster—it’s an opportunity to reshape the world. And Ukraine is just the beginning.

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