Friday, August 23, 2024

Wars And Rumors Of Wars

Wars and Rumors of Wars

The Current Top 10 Most Deadly Conflicts

Granted, Russia and the U.S. hold more than 90 percent of those 12,000 weapons. But as tensions escalate around the globe, that’s hardly reassuring.

Here are the most violent conflicts currently being waged around the planet, with their minimum estimated fatalities over the last two years:

  • Russia vs. Ukraine: 98,000
  • Israel vs. Hamas: 43,000
  • West African insurgencies/terrorism: 24,000
  • Sudan civil war: 14,000
  • Myanmar conflict: 13,000
  • Mexican drug cartel violence: 11,000
  • Boko Haram insurgency (Nigeria/Niger/Chad): 9,000
  • Somali civil war: 8,000
  • Ethiopia civil conflict: 8,000
  • Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) counterinsurgency/conflict with Rwanda, 7,500.

Let’s look briefly at each of these 10 conflicts with their causes, relevance to Americans, and prospects for peace or escalation.


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