Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Significant M5.5 Earthquake Hits Argentina

Significant M5.5 Earthquake hit 283km from Salta in Argentina on Wednesday Night

In the night of Wednesday August 21st, 2024, a significant MAG-5.5 earthquake hit under land 283 kilometer from Salta in Argentina. Around 1 million people have been exposed to shaking. Another nearby country is Bolivia.

The earthquake struck on land in Argentina, 283 kilometer (176 mi) north-northwest of Salta. The center of this earthquake had an intermediate depth of 267 km.

This earthquake may have been felt by around 1 million people. That is the expected population size of the area exposed to a level of shaking of II or higher on the Modified Mercalli scale according to the USGS. 

An estimated 651,900 people were exposed to level III. At this level, weak shaking and probably no damage can be expected. 

People in 3 countries have been exposed to shaking. In Bolivia , around 650 thousand people, with impact levels up to III (weak shaking, probably no damage). In Argentina , around 390 thousand people. People were exposed to shaking in Chile as well.

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