Sunday, November 5, 2023

"Save the city at all costs" pleads Zelensky: Ukrainians move all Brigades to Avdifka - Leopard 2A6 and Bradley on fire

"Save the city at all costs" pleads Zelensky: Ukrainians move all Brigades to Avdifka - Leopard 2A6 and Bradley on fire

Shocking images of burning Leopard 2A6s and Bradleys are coming from the Avdifka front as the Russian Army advances towards the main road leading into the city, which remains open for evacuation and logistical support of Ukrainian formations.

The Ukrainian military command ordered that all available reserves from the front mainly Zaporizhia, and secondarily Bakhmut, Kupyansk and even Kiev, be rushed to Avdifka, so that the city does not fall.

 According to the Russians, Zelensky begs Zaluzny to do what he can to prevent the city from falling immediately. Such a thing would mean not only the end of the Ukrainian counter-offensive and the bullet but probably also the end of Western military aid.

The situation is borderline for the Ukrainians.

The Russians managed to break through Ukrainian defenses and advance north of Opytne despite dense minefields while north of Spartak the Russians bypassed a Ukrainian fortification and cut off Ukrainian forces.

The armed forces of the Russian Federation are gradually pushing back the Ukrainian formations, trying to pin the Ukrainian Armed Forces group located in Avdiivka and its surroundings.

Gradually, Russian Forces move towards the only road leading to the city near Orlovka.

Ukrainian units fighting in Avdifka are supplied along this route. If the Russians cut off this axis, then the Ukrainian Armed Forces group will be trapped in Avdifka.

Another primary objective of the Russian troops in the Avdeevsky sector of the front is the capture of the Avdeevsky coke plant. If the Russians find out, then they automatically enter the city.

But the transfer of even a part of the "elite" formation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to this part of the front indicates that the situation there is developing in favor of the Russian Armed Forces.

In addition, the Ukrainian Administration transferred to Avdifka units of the 101st Security Brigade of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which reports directly to V. Zaluzny.

Since the beginning of the war, this brigade was in Kiev and did not participate in hostilities, but, apparently, there are no more reserves.


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