Saturday, November 11, 2023

Journalist Douglas Murray Schools Piers Morgan on the True Horror of the Hamas Attack in Israel (VIDEO)

Journalist Douglas Murray Schools Piers Morgan on the True Horror of the Hamas Attack in Israel (VIDEO)

Douglas Murray is a conservative British writer and journalist. He recently visited the border of Gaza and made a live appearance on Talk TV with Piers Morgan.

Morgan tried to take the liberal point of view on the Hamas attacks and Douglas Murray gave him a serious education.

Murray also makes a point to call out Obama’s response to the attacks. It’s a great segment.

But this isn’t about Piers Morgan’s standard hyperbole. It’s about his mainstream media apologia for savages and Murray’s flawless and spectacularly succinct and clear explanation of the civilizational war we are all in. Not just Israel…

When asked about President Obama’s call for a ceasefire and measures to protect the “innocents” of Gaza, Douglas points out the sordid truth: the Arab populace of Gaza is even worse than the Nazis of Hitler’s Germany, since Hitler’s killers had some shame, or at least they tried to hide their crimes. When the 23-year old German Israeli woman Shani Louk’s desecrated body was paraded through Gaza – mostly like after being raped repeatedly – the population celebrated gleefully.

And what unfolds in this seven-minute clip is something you need to watch for yourself. (Once you see it halfway through, you’ll know exactly… Show more

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