Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Global Economy Is Being Reorganized Before Our Eyes And The US Is The 'Big Loser'

The Global Economy Is Being Reorganized Before Our Eyes And The US Is The 'Big Loser' - We've Stirred The Flames Of Hatred Towards The US And Our Status As The Global Reserve Currency

If you have been reading my past articles, I have been warning about global de-dollarization, coming inflation and how the US is being left out in the cold. 

What we are witnessing is a global reorganization of the global economy right before our eyes. 

There is an economic war taking place that the US has done nothing but stir the flames of hatred towards the US, our dollar and our status as the Global Reserve Currency. 

On August 22, 2023, the BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are coming together to allow in from 36 to 41 more countries into this growing trade alliance. 

Due to our very aggressive policies, more and more countries are progressively lining up to join BRICS. 

Christine Lagarde, the head of the European Central Bank stated recently that… 

“We are witnessing a fragmentation of the global economy into competing blocs, with each bloc trying to pull as much of the rest of the world closer to its respective strategic interests and shared values. And this fragmentation may well coalesce around two blocs led respectively by the two largest economies in the world. 

All this could have far-reaching implications across many domains of policymaking. And today in my remarks, I would like to explore what the implications might be.” 

A prime example of this is when just two weeks ago China cut off the export of the rare earth materials, gallium, and germanium, two key components for producing middle to high end microchips specifically for green energy. 

In turn, the US is likely to retaliate with restrictions on providing cloud computing services which are a critical element of AI development. 

Larry Summers, the Former United States Secretary of the Treasury said it this way… 

“I was speaking to an African diplomat asking him about what is going on and the African diplomat stated “that when China comes, they bring a checkbook. When the US comes, they bring a lecture.” 

In other words, China’s approach is to attract with honey. Third world countries are encouraged by China to get rich so that they can buy more Chinese stuff and in turn China does not interfere in their domestic policies. 

I have personally witnessed this myself when I lived in Central American. China indeed brings a big checkbook building free airports, railroads and in the case of Costa Rica, gave their police force all new cars.

The countries in return are able to buy and build natural resources like oil, metals, and other raw materials. 

It is a win-win deal. China gets raw materials, and the home country gets a free airport. In turn the country can then monetize said resource and create more income for their country. 

China has been good at giving these countries no hassles, even if they are they dictatorship. 

In fact, China actually helps those countries remain stable by helping them suppress domestic descent, thus the free fleet of police cars that Costa Rica got. 

China is trying to make the whole world into a model much like Singapore, which is politically stable, a one-party autocracy that gets rich and buys more and more Chinese stuff. 

On the other hand, when the US come knocking it leverages our reserve currency and forces our own ideas pushing everything from union policies to LGBT rights. Even in countries like Libya or Afghanistan. 

I mean think about it for a second, LGBT rights in extreme Muslim countries. Who was wearing their thinking caps with those sort of “snowballs chance in hell” ideas? 

Countries are no longer trusting the US because we have become a global bully. A prime example is what we did last year by seizing the Russia’s central bank dollars to try and crash their banking system.

That is a line in the sand that we have NEVER crossed, not even with our worse enemies. But the current administration weaponized our dollar and crossed that line. 

So, on one hand the US comes in and says “if you don’t do what we say, we will crush you if we don’t like you or you are not doing what we tell you.” 

Where China on the other hand tells these countries that “we want you rich and secure and we will help you get there and stay out of your countries domestic business.” 

The US offers instability and impossible ideas along with political demands. 

China offers a nice checkbook, help and they will leave their country alone.

Can you see why so many countries are lining up to join the BRICS Alliance? 

Eventually what we are seeing come about are two economic trade alliances, the Western nations hanging with the dollar because they must and the BRICS Alliance offering abundance, growth and a hands off policy on how countries want to govern / run themselves. 

If you have not figured it out yet, we are on the losing side and if you think things are bad now, things are going to get far worse when all these BRICS Alliance nations no longer want to play on our side of the playground and instead chooses to play in BRICS playground. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting opinionated Article, but hope is, our USA survives without all Global influences, this has not been well power structure wise for America, IMO. Also, say what? IMO, CCP is not trusted by anyone here, there, or anywhere; "Hello" we just had sent Globally their manmade virus killing so many people reputedly, right?

Loser? IMO, USA would be a winner without drama from Globalists Agendas!! Now once Globalists fail, have revolutions, mayhem, revolts during their failed power control grabs, (gets old after while, did with Hitler, right?), perhaps USA can revisit restructured countries then??? Bet they beg for our help, and a matter of fact, by then our criminals within USA Government will had been dealt with, IMO! OK, lots of praying going on for positive results and thinking! :)

So, how about this, isolate USA while we recoup, and use our own blessed resources while the rest duke it out???

For love of GOD no more puppet type like Biden's, OB's/Clintons, Bushes, etc., and such IMO! Just get smaller governing, local governing back on their own, and great minds coming together, IMO! We have been hoodwinked with crisis after crisis manmade by goof balls to usher in BS wars, strife, Fed's hand played, and now time to usher in balance for the people by enforcing Constitutional Laws, ridding known traitor's, in my opinion! Each state have laws that serve them best!