Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Death of Free Speech Is the Beginning

The Death of Free Speech Is the Beginning

Tunisia is actually criminalizing free speech under the claim that it is spreading “fake news” to end free speech in the country. The problem is this is the trend in the aftermath of COVID. Anything disagreeing with the government narrative is increasingly moving toward criminalization. This was the very same trend that the LEFT took under Marxism. I find it ironic that all we hear is that China is this horrible communist government that suppresses free speech when the United States is doing the same. I went behind the Berlin Wall before it fell with a friend to visit his family trapped there. If anyone was close to us, the rhetoric of how wonderful the government was became the speech. Then came the truth when we were alone. This is where we are headed.

The number of people censored and de-platformed under CV was the launch pad for the termination of the First Amendment in the United States once and for all. The government has been directing private platforms to censor and remove people and then claim that the First Amendment only applies to the government – not to private companies. Robert F Kennedy, Jr. came out and also told the Democrats that they were weaponizing the government. Yet even the military has come out and confirmed that the CV vaccines were causing serious side effects in the military. They hate RFK as much as Trump, for he, too, threatens their authoritarian style of government. Meanwhile, Congressman Jordan has put Pfizer on Tight Timeline to produce all evidence of Collusion with the Executive Branch and Social Media. This is going to be VERY interesting.

The Biden Administration taking its orders from the Neocons, has sent a letter advising Trump he is now a target in the January 6th nonsense, calling it sedition so they can bar him from ever holding any political office under the 14th Amendment. This outright interferes with the 2024 election, but nobody can indict the Department of Justice.  Meanwhile, Edward Snowden is in Russia because they would prosecute him for treason for telling the people that the government is violating the Constitution. 

We have lost the Rule of Law, which is one of the last straws before the decline and fall of any nation. Senator Chuck Grassley released the FD-1023 form, alleging that Mykola Zlochevsky, Burisma’s founder, paid a $5,000,000 bribe each to Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden to have Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.

I seriously doubt we will hear this story on CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, other than perhaps claiming it is a conspiracy theory. The media is now AGAINST the people and have formally crossed over into the camp of totalitarianism, refusing to report the truth about anything from election fraud to the war in Ukraine. The days of honest independent journalism are over. FOX fired Tucker for this very reason – they were given their marching orders.

It is confirmed that the FBI has circumvented the Constitution and violated the civil rights of everyone in this country by colluding with social media to censor citizens, which the First Amendmentstates that they cannot do under the rule of law.

When the FBI raided my office and home, they NEVER produced any inventory. Things were missing I have never located ever since, and the lawyers will tell you you “cannot accuse the FBI of theft,” plain and simple. They then can claim they found whatever they want on a raid when they do not make an inventory. 

 A former VP of the NY Post told me personally that the government calls the press or a journalist and starts they have a “favor” to ask. If you refuse, they send the IRS after you and tear your personal life apart. The government dictates even Wikipedia. That is why universities now tell students Wikipedia is NOT to be used as a source. It is not trustworthy. NOTHING is safe anymore. Even the pretend Fact-Checkers are not independent and are just part of the whole scheme.

Freedom of speech is only free when it applies to everyone.  I must defend the right of free speech even when disagreeing. True freedom of speech is incredibly dangerous for those in power when they have abused that power and are desperate to retain that power. This is what we face going into 2032. Those in power are losing their grip. I warned that our computer was projecting a rise in civil unrest and international war post-2014 at our 2011 World Economic Conference. That is now becoming obvious to many, including those in power.

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