Friday, July 21, 2023

OFFICIAL PUBLIC WARNING FROM RUSSIA -- REPORT: Poland Intends to "Tear-Off" Parts of Ukraine and Belarus Under NATO Umbrella

OFFICIAL PUBLIC WARNING FROM RUSSIA -- REPORT: Poland Intends to "Tear-Off" Parts of Ukraine and Belarus Under NATO Umbrella

Reports are beginning to circulate claiming Poland intends to enter Ukraine with troops, to "grab" parts of Western Ukraine, but also to "Tear-off" part of Western Belarus, under the protection of the NATO umbrella.

While Russia __may__ be willing to allow Poland to take back parts of Ukraine that were formerly Poland, Belarus, it appears, would be "off-limits."

Should Poland try to grab parts of Belarus, the region of Eastern Europe will likely immediately explode into full scale World War 3.  Poland seems ready to begin playing a VERY dangerous game.

Developing . . . . slowly


President Vladimir Putin on Friday accused NATO member Poland of having territorial ambitions, and said any aggression against Russia's neighbour and close ally Belarus would be considered an attack on Russia.

Moscow would react to any aggression against Belarus, which forms a loose "Union State" with Russia, "with all the means at our disposal" Putin told a meeting of his Security Council in televised remarks.

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