Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Calm Before The Coming Storm: 'The Plan Is About To Go Live'

Last Lap Of The Qualifying Race – It’s About To Go Live

We are about to begin what could be the most challenging times we have ever witnessed. I have a bad feeling about this. I’m sure many of you do too. 

As much as I try to rationalize that our near future will “just” be “bumpy”, my gut says otherwise. The stakes are too high for the many “players” at this point. And there are a LOT of things in play right now. It is a perfect storm. We do not have the power to change its direction. It simply must run its course.

The Plan Is About To Go Live

All eyes are on the U.S., right now. I do not need to rehash the political consequences of the upcoming election. However I can tell you with near certainty that “powers” have been planning for a long time. Violence and Chaos WILL erupt – REGARDLESS. Antifa, BLM Marxists, and other organized attackers. Think you’ve already seen their rioting and violence? You aint seen nothin yet…

Think you’ve seen Big Tech suppression and de-platforming so far? You aint seen nothin yet… There are well-prepared plans to silence the influencers beyond what we’ve already seen.

The election will be dramatically contested. It may drag on for months – blowing up into a split government, so to speak, as no one concedes while violence in the streets erupt into an inferno.

There are foreign entities salivating, chomping at the bit… waiting for the perfect moment to do what they’re going to do – while the U.S. is burning. Cyber-attacks? Grid-down? Taiwan invasion anyone? Or a “Red Dawn”?

At the same time, we here in the U.S., and around the globe, are facing financial economic catastrophe. Cities are shuddered. Businesses gone. The Covid Pandemic has killed it all. Main Street is essentially dead. Millions have been out of work. Many are not paying their Rents and Mortgages. The lag effects are about to hit us. The money changers (global banking systems) are against the wall. A digital currency (currencies) is seemingly their only way out – along with a Great Reset as the world swims in incomprehensible debt.

We Are On The Last Lap

The qualifying race is about to end. The real contest is about to begin. The thing is, no one is going to “win”. It’s going to be a mess. 

Your objective is to finish the race. To survive with minimal damage. Those who make it to the end might look back on these days as the “good days”. 

We are at a turning. Our future will not be the same. 

It’s time to lay low. Under the radar. Situation aware.

Vote (if you haven’t already) and get home.

It’s about to “Go Live”…


Anonymous said...

I have this feeling of dread that I can't put into words... I've been in mourning.... not only for what has happened, but also, for what is ahead - the great and terrible day of the LORD! Fortunately, for believers, it will be great...but I still have a terrible sadness over what is to come... anyone with me?

Amichai said...

Wow 100% !!! Happy I am a believer but so sad to those who are blind and don’t realize what’s coming. My heart is heavy and light at the same time.....

Anonymous said...

Me too.

Unknown said...

It is almost difficult to describe the emotions of these days but as you say, full of joy that the Lord's coming appears to be very soon but sad for those left behind. Also though, some days it just feels like the evil around us is so heavy and palpable that it weighs me down and almost makes me feel ill.

Anonymous said...

A lot of chicken littles out there, you of little faith.
God's word says to stand. And STAND we will. Amen!

Scott said...

I don't see it that way - I think some people have friends and acquaintances who may have to endure the tribulation and there is a sensitivity to that. In a general sense, I believe the HS is tuned in to the presence of evil - which is growing exponentially the closer the Tribulation comes. I think its more of sensing these things than it is lacking any faith. I sense it too, and everyone seems to be looking up which is what we are called to do (Luke 21:28)

AudioOutlaw said...

Jumping in with an off topic but I felt this needed to be shared...


These nations lining up perfectly for Ezekiel 38.

oodie said...

Our hearts and spirits will stand strong , but even Jesus wept. Pray that we all have the courage to witness boldly in this historic time.