Sunday, May 3, 2020

YouTube Censorship


Content creator Eric July, whose YouTube channel is titled YoungRippa59 is the latest victim of Big Tech’s silencing of dissent.  July, who didn’t follow the crowd and questioned the data on the coronavirus pandemic had a video taken down as the ruling class struggles to control the narrative.

“I was watching a video not too long ago from..Susan…what is she? The CEO of Google or YouTube or something like that. And I know she was talking about how they weren’t gonna be allowing things on their platform that were going to the contrary of what like, I believe like the WHO and the CDC had advised. And I thought that was always interesting because…what they do, if that’s a policy, is like, basically, we have to accept what they say is truth and they just won’t allow it on their platform if it goes to the contrary.

Now, it’s government that we’re talking about, and government paid, and funded organizations that we’re talking about. There’s bound to be some error and you mean to tell me that you would remove things that would question that?
But I didn’t think it was gonna be of this magnitude and of this nature, in terms of what got removed!”

July’s banned video was a live stream. He says that while YouTube is a company, and they have the right to remove any content they want, he has noticed that there is a heavy-handed attempt to control the narrative. The big story is what these tech giants are doing, not just to July, but others who believe the lies and propaganda from the mainstream media.

The video of July’s that has been removed was of him analyzing the now censored doctors from California who disapproved of the lockdown measures.

“All I did was talk about the video, and they removed my stream talking about the video,” said July. “In all honesty, what I think this does, is it validates. Because it’s not like I said or even they [censored doctors] said anything that was abusive. Did it maybe go against what was deemed a mainstream narrative and the mainstream approach to handling this? Absolutely. That’s the whole point of the video.”

"... it seems like people that are in positions of power, such as the Googles and the YouTube of the world, are really trying to control this narrative.”

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