Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Los Angeles To Stay Locked Down Until August

Los Angeles To Stay Locked Down Till August. California State University Cancels In-Person Fall Classes At All 23 Campuses.

Democrat-controlled Los Angeles County’s lock down orders will “with all certainty” continue to stay in place until August unless a “dramatic change in this virus or in the tools” becomes available.

“Our hope is that by using the data, we’d be able to slowly lift restrictions over the next three months,” Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said, adding, “Based on all of the data that we’re looking at … we know with all certainty that we’ll be extending health officer orders for the next three months.”

“Neither Ferrer nor county health officials were immediately available to directly offer additional details,” The Los Angeles Times reported. “Ferrer’s comments came shortly before Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that he was modifying the state’s stay-at-home orders to allow individual counties to approve the reopening of malls for curbside pickup service only. The order also allows for the reopening of some offices if teleworking is not feasible.”

Los Angeles Democrat Mayor Eric Garcetti then called into CNN because he said he wanted to “reassure people” because he realized that “there was a lot of panic” with the announcement.

California State University, which is the largest four-year public higher education system in the state, then announced that it was canceling in-person classes, with limited exceptions, at all of its 23 campuses for the fall semester.

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