Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Things To Come: 'Out Of Chaos Comes Order'

Things To Come: 'Out Of Chaos Comes Order'

The U.S. government actually hates the idea of free speech and the First Amendment. We saw how quickly on January 6 they dismissed that as an old-fashioned concept when it was right-wingers who were doing the protesting and the expressing of their political views and opinions. Nobody felt our pain.

Always remember that actions speak louder than words. So, we must deduct from the government’s actions that it supports the pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian, and pro-Islamic worldview being shoved down our throats right now by these folks out in the streets playing the role of disrupters.

Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, pretty much told us as much during her announcement last week that the Biden administration will be launching an “anti-Islamophobia” crusade here in America. This is the government coming right out in the open and telling us that speech deemed to be too critical of Muslims or Islam will be treated differently than speech critical of Jews or Christians.

When a government officially tells you that it favors one religion over another, it’s time to worry. That’s a red flag like we’ve never before seen in America. We ought to take Harris and the regime at their word, that they have something serious up their sleeves, and it’s not going to be “democratic” as they so often brag about themselves being.

A true democracy, if that’s what you want to call it (American is actually a constitutional republic not a democracy, but that’s a topic for another day), would never choose to protect one religion as more special than all the others. Nearly 90 percent of the 4 to 5 million Muslims in America are immigrants or the sons and daughters of immigrants, and yet they get to be the favored ones with special protections that suspend the free-speech rights of non-Muslims? Something is wrong with that picture, folks, but it should not surprise us.

I laid out the globalist strategy to use Islam as a Trojan horse in my 2017 book, Stealth Invasion. I explained in that book why the U.S. government has for decades been using our tax dollars to blow up Muslim countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, and Bosnia, and then take in hundreds of thousands of “refugees” from each of those countries.

It’s a favorite globalist tactic to bring down a great nation. You do it by replacing the native population with those from foreign cultures who do not share the host country’s values. In fact, most refugees from Somalia or Syria would say, if they’re honest, that they hate American values, in many cases for good reason. We used cluster bombs and cruise missiles to destroy their homelands so now we bring them here thinking they will want to assimilate into the same culture that just bombed their homes and sent them fleeing? 

Not one of the wars fought by U.S. troops since the end of World War II has had anything to do with defending the American homeland. What these wars have done is create a very unstable world with a lot of pent-up hatred for America and Americans.

Is it because they are stupid? I don’t think so. The elites who run America have pursued a policy that made them wealthy while making America unsafe.

These elites believe that “out of chaos, comes order,” as in a new order based on Luciferian principles of tyranny, fear, and death to all people who do not make a good fit for their envisioned utopia.

Only then, after years of chaos, endless wars and disorder have destroyed everything, can they get on with their “Great Reset,” which is a euphemism for the New World Order that will underpin a completely transformed digital economy marked by digital IDs and central bank digital currencies. All human movement and every single financial transaction will be tracked in real time and assessed a social credit score, which will determine how much “freedom” you are allowed to possess. China is the laboratory, the testing ground, for the system they hope to bring to America and the West.

These elites know they cannot fully implement this beast system, doing away with all human freedom and the U.S. Constitution, until they bring America to its knees through another Great Depression and World War III.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even the best evil plans go awry and the beast bites its handlers. Owning a dog that has been bred for fighting is a risky proposition. The owner may find he is the target at some point.