Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Great Reset, Election 2024, Hamas, And Other Things To Worry About

The Great Reset, Election 2024, Hamas, And Other Things To Worry About

It is almost unsettling to find that what we have said on these pages over the last several years is either true or coming true as we speak. Yes, there is a New World Order in process. Yes, there is a group of billionaire oligarchs, both here and abroad, attempting to take over the world, as in a James Bond movie, only much worse than the script writers could have imagined. And yes, the Democrat Party is taking part in the scheme to end the United States of America as we know it. They have no intention of ever losing another national election. And, of course, Hamas, after 75 years of Israel, still doesn't know if they want their own Palestinian state.

How do I know? Look around you. The wide-open borders, the trashing of our economy, and the cabal of oligarchs say so. Go through their lectures, their websites, and their writings. Seamus Bruner, the renowned "Clinton Cash" researcher for Peter Schweizer, devoted two years to a new book being released this month. It's called "Controligarchs." It discloses and corroborates the data we have been reporting on for the past few years.

Hamas? Hamas and the Palestinians have turned down every proposal for having their own state. I've listened to recordings of phone calls between Hamas terrorists and parents after the 10/7 attack. The parents were proud. They said things like, "I wish we were there with you. We're proud of you." Nazi Germany tried to hide their crimes; Hamas shows the world their work with pride and elation. They just don't want to give up their hatred of Jews. It gives them a reason to get up in the morning. We cannot fix that.

The people marching, protesting, and demonstrating for Hamas is a massive display of ignorance.

The other issue is the poor, innocent civilians. In war, you do the best you can to prevent the deaths of children, but until a bomb is invented that can discriminate, non-combatants will die. We need to stop looking at Gazans through Western glasses. War is a terrible thing. Even a surgeon must tear through healthy tissue and in Gaza we don't know how much healthy tissue there is.

Our newest book, "Invisible Treason in America," reveals how Obama transformed our country into a police state using a CIA super surveillance computer built to combat terrorism after 9/11. The computer was turned inward against the American people, contrary to its charter. Dennis Montgomery, the CIA contractor who designed and built the computer turned whistleblower, disclosed to what extent the computer was used to win elections, spy on Trump, our own government, and millions of Americans as a tool of leverage and blackmail. And leverage and blackmail have become major tools for globalists to get their way.

The attack on our civilization is multi-pronged. The oligarchs are using disease, vaccines, war, economic disruption, a climate change hoax, funding the radical Left, blackmail, and soon, currency confiscation with a digital currency and AI with Obama given control of it. Of course, the buying of thousands of key individuals in key positions and political parties around the world is essential to making it all look legitimate. They want chaos on the federal, state, and local levels and a citizenry that will agree to almost anything when the s**t hits the fan. And they are warming up to start throwing. We have said before that there is a no-going-back plan in place to take effect within the next five years!

Am I the only one who looks around and says, 'My, my, I think this government wants a war?' They're working awfully hard at it. They piss off Putin every chance they get and have taken a duplicitous stand with Hamas, Iran, and Israel. Iran's proxies have attacked American bases 40 or 50 times, and Biden's government says, 'No big deal.'

It was evident to all that the day Biden took office, everything seemed to have been turned off. All the growth was immediately halted. Our social and economic downfall began instantaneously. With Trump gone, the Democrats could finally complete the task they began in earnest with Obama.

As a review of our recent past, was it a coincidence that the five battleground states in the 2020 election all stopped counting at the same time while Trump was holding commanding leads? Was it more than extraordinary that when the 'counting' resumed, Biden then showed leads in all five states? Do you think Hillary and Obama are capable of ordering a super surveillance computer they had obtained from the CIA (The Hammer), then transferring it to the FBI, ordering them to illegally spy on Trump, all our Senators, all the Supreme Court Justices, Article III Judges, and untold millions of Americans? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We knew something was coming. For such a time as this. Armor up and Do NOT Fear (worry)