Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sound The Alarm:

Sound The Alarm

Daymond Duck

This morning, as I was preparing to leave the restaurant where I usually eat breakfast, a long-time friend motioned to me and asked if I had been watching the news. A man sitting at the table with him said, “It is scary, isn’t it?”

My friend recently told me he has been diagnosed with kidney failure, and he might not live very long.

When he asked if I had been watching the news and the man sitting with him said it is scary, I replied, “It depends on how we look at it. The news is coming right out of the Bible, and it could mean that we will soon have new bodies that will never get sick or die.”

Concerning the news and Israel’s war with Hamas: on Oct. 23, 2023, highly respected expert Bible prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati wrote,

  • “It is clear that time is short. The church age is near its end, and Jesus is coming for His bride soon.”
  • It is time to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for many to come to faith in Christ, for the end of all things is at hand.

On Oct. 26, 2023, Joel Rosenberg, editor-in-chief of All Israel News and All Arab News, wrote that a former lieutenant colonel in IDF intelligence asked him,

  • “Can you imagine how many Israelis will die if Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas get The Bomb?”

Then, the former Israeli officer answered his own question,

  • “We are facing the End Times and the end of Israel if we don’t achieve a massive victory over the immense threats posed by Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas.

On Oct. 27, 2023, Dr. David Jeremiah authored an article titled “It’s Time to Sound the Alarm: Prophecy Is Coming to Life Before Our Eyes.”

Dr. Jeremiah wrote,

  • “I believe the Church, those who have placed their faith in Jesus as Savior, will be taken to heaven in the Rapture before the world is thrown into the thick of God’s judgment, known as the Apocalypse.”
  • “We cannot live by lies, or fear, or hatred. But we can no longer ignore the warnings or sleep in beds of ignorance. We must live by our biblical convictions.”

Instead of letting the news scare you, rejoice and sound the alarm

We do not know the day or the hour that Jesus will come for His Church, but we can see it approaching and know when it is near, and the events in Israel appear to indicate that it is near.

Christians will soon see their deceased Christian loved ones; a multitude that no one can number will soon be saved; all Israel will be saved. Following the Apocalypse, there will be one thousand years of peace, justice, and righteousness on earth, etc., so anticipate the soon fulfillment of God’s promises and sound the alarm that Jesus is coming soon.

Here are more events that recently made the news that seem to indicate that the end of the Church Age is near:

One, concerning natural disasters increasing in frequency and intensity at the end of the age: on Oct. 30, 2023, Hurricane Otis struck Acapulco, and a nearby weather station recorded a 205-mph wind gust. This was one of the highest wind gusts ever recorded on earth (the record is 253 mph); it killed more than forty people, injured many, and damaged or destroyed an estimated 274,000 houses and buildings.

(More: A supervolcano in Italy has caused more than 2,500 earthquakes since September. The most powerful was 4.2. It did not cause any damage, but tens of thousands of citizens are constantly on edge and ready to evacuate.)

(More: On Nov. 3, 2023, a 6.4 earthquake struck Nepal, killing more than 150 people and injuring more than 100.)

Two, concerning the Biden administration’s claim that America’s border with Mexico is secure: on Oct. 31, 2023, four U.S. Senators said they recently visited the border and were told that the U.S. Border Patrol has found explosive devices on some border crossers in recent days.

Sen. John Barrasso, Chair of the Senate Republican Conference, said, “It is painfully clear that… our country is really at an increased threat for a terrorist attack.”

Three, God said no weapon formed against Israel will prosper (Isa. 54:17). Concerning the tunnels in Gaza:

>On Nov 2, 2023, Walla News recently reported that Israel has started using robots and explosive devices to clear some of the tunnels. They added that a senior officer in the southern command said, “We are going to collapse the entrances and the tunnels on them. It will become a death zone. They made a mistake; they chose to be in a place they could not escape from. They will die in the tunnels.”

>Amir Tsarfati recently said, “The flaw in this tunnel system is that it needs gas for generators to power the ventilation system. So, while there is food and water in Gaza, as well as electricity in most areas, gas is very difficult to find. This is because the IDF has confiscated all the gas they can find. No gas, no ventilators. No ventilators, no air. No air, the terrorists will be forced to scurry out of their holes where they will surrender or be killed.”

Four, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on Nov. 2, 2023, Russia’s ambassador to the UN told the UN Security Council that Israel does not have the right to self-defense under international law in its fight against Hamas because Israel is an occupying state. He said this was confirmed by the UN International Court in 2004.

(More: For several years, it has been Israeli policy to notify Russia before Israel struck Iranian or Syrian targets in Syria. Israel did this to limit the possibility of accidentally killing Russian troops. On Nov. 3, 2023, it was reported that Israel has ceased that policy due to a deteriorating relationship between Russia and Israel.)

Five, concerning false teachers: on Nov. 1, 2023, Pope Francis called for the two-state solution (division of Israel). The man just does not seem to care or know what the Bible says on many subjects (supports world government, world religion, putting RFID chips in people, supports the climate change agenda, protects gay priests, serves communion to politicians that push abortion, etc., and now he wants to divide Israel).

Six, concerning world government: on Nov. 2, 2023, it was reported that World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Ghebreyesus wants the nations to speed up their work on the International Pandemic Treaty (Accords). Control over the healthcare of everyone on earth during a pandemic is not enough for Ghebreyesus. He also wants to control freedom of speech.

As soon as possible, Ghebreyesus wants to control what people hear during a pandemic and to censor (silence) those that spread so-called false or misleading information (those that warn people about the dangers of vaccinations, wearing a mask, the climate change agenda, world government, etc.).

The report did not say this; past reports reveal that he wants to control who can travel (by requiring digital passports), require people to have a digital ID, etc.

(My opinion: Sound the alarm because a satanic world government is rising.)

Seven, concerning Israel’s war with Hamas:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully written Article, filled with hope, explaining why we are dealing with such evil unleashed on Earth, and what awaits the saved souls is so rewarding!

We still must pray for Israel, this Nation, and mankind to choose wisely in these compromised times!