Saturday, March 19, 2022

Terry James: Sooner Or Later?

Rapture Sooner–or Later?
Terry James

 ...Is there any one signal on the prophetic horizon that might give a clue to answering that question? I believe one area to look at might provide illumination.

Believers and nonbelievers alike are being fed a daily diet of doomsday fodder. COVID-19 more or less suctioned the attention of the world’s populations into its orbit of terror. This, I sense, was done deliberately. That is, it was a deliberately created, worldwide, pathogenic assault specifically designed to bring people under the cloud of gloom and doom. As a matter of fact, documentation being unveiled is beginning to point in that direction, providing proof that it was spawned to control the minds and movements of the earth’s populations.

Added to the pandemic was the intent to radically change cultures and societies through the wokism we’ve all been subject to over these weeks, months, and years. Overall, it’s been an effort to move people’s thinking away from the God of Heaven and toward anti-God thinking. That effort to totally corrupt mankind has been largely successful, and governments of the world have become, as Romans 1:28 tells us, reprobate at every level. That is, our leaders can’t and/or won’t think rationally. Every thought is only on evil continually, it seems.

This is exactly the mindset of the antediluvian world of Genesis 6, the one Jesus said would be prevalent at the moment of His catastrophic intervention into the affairs of mankind. He said it would be “as it was in the days of Noah.”

...But He said one thing more. He said people will be buying, selling, building, marrying, planting—all the things of normal activity. He predicted no worldwide financial collapse. “It’s the economy, stupid,” we might say to those who believe we are going through the Tribulation. (Although I would never use those words issued by James Carville in managing Bill Clinton’s election.)

But it is, in fact, the world economic situation we should look at in wonder. It is still held up in spite of the any second collapse the experts have been predicting for some time....


Anonymous said...

Expect celestial action, a nuclear detonation and the appearance of 666 by the end of the current month.

Kem said...

Thank you for this Scott. Much needed and appreciated article.

Scott said...

Hey thanks, yea , we need to step away from the news and remember what its ultimately all about :)