Saturday, July 29, 2023

Biden OKs $345 Million for Taiwan Defense as Chinese Embassy Urges US Not to Escalate Tensions

Biden OKs $345 Million for Taiwan Defense as Chinese Embassy Urges US Not to Escalate Tensions

US President Joe Biden approved up to $345 million in defense aid to Taiwan, the president said in a memorandum to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. 
"I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State the authority… to direct the drawdown of up to $345 million in defense articles and services of the Department of Defense, and military education and training, to provide assistance to Taiwan," the memorandum said on Friday. 
The Biden administration has repeatedly said it seeks to maintain the status quo across the Taiwan Strait and remains committed to prior agreements between the United States and China regarding Taiwan. 
However, the aid also comes amid a break in military-to-military contact between the United States and China. Tensions have been rising between the United States and the People's Republic of China in recent years, largely over Taiwan and territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

The aid is in addition to the nearly $19 billion in military equipment and weapons sales that the US approved for Taiwan.
Liu Pengyu, who serves as the spokesperson for China's embassy in Washington, told Sputnik shortly after the defense announcement was made that Beijing fully opposes US military ties and any military sales to Taiwan.

"This position is consistent and unequivocal," the spokesperson said of China's official stance on US ties to Taiwan and of the defense aid. "The US should abide by the 'one-China' principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, stop selling arms to Taiwan, stop creating new factors that could lead to tensions in the Taiwan Strait and stop posing risks to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait."

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