Saturday, July 29, 2023

It's all over for Kiev on the Kupyansk-Svatovo axis: They evacuate the settlement of Yampol – Russian Armies are advancing unopposed in all directions!

It's all over for Kiev on the Kupyansk-Svatovo axis: They evacuate the settlement of Yampol – Russian Armies are advancing unopposed in all directions!

The situation for the Ukrainian Army in the Svatovo-Kupiansk-Liman axis is rapidly deteriorating. The Russian Armies continue to advance, without serious resistance, in all directions which confirms initial suspicions that their offensive is now unstoppable.

Russian troops occupied Tverdokhlimbovo, while according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the troops of the 15th Mechanized Guards advanced to a frontal range of 3 km and to a depth of 2.7 km, west of Nadia.

All this while the Ukrainians are fighting for a few meters on the Zaporizhia front.

According to information, Ukrainians are evicting civilians from the settlement of Yampol to prepare the area for an all-out defense in case the Russian Army breaks through Ukrainian defenses west of Kremina.

This means it is only a matter of time before the Russians reach the settlement. Perhaps the Ukrainians no longer have sufficient forces in the region.

The Russians are scoring major tactical successes bringing a strategic victory even closer to the only sector of the front where they are conducting offensive operations.

Russian troops continued their attack in the direction of Svatovo after taking control of the village of Karamzinovka. Now the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are expanding the area of ​​controlled territory.

Attacks are made towards Podkuchansk and Krivosheyka, as well as towards Melovatka, Novomikhailovsky and Zaliman. The purpose of the Russian plan is to attack a broad front and not a narrow part of it.

By July 26, the settlements of Nadia, Sergeevka and Kovalevka came under Russian control.

In the Svyatovo direction, during the Russian offensive, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost three villages in the last three days.

At least two more will be occupied by Russian troops in the coming days.At the same time, in the direction of Krasnolimansky, the Russian army repelled a counterattack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the village of Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk). The losses of the Ukrainians amounted to approximately 185 people.

Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation said:


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