Saturday, July 29, 2023

Why the Assassination of JFK Matters to Us Today

Why the Assassination of JFK Matters to Us Today

David Neal 

Contrary to many shallow historians, President John F. Kennedy was not going into Vietnam with ground troops; he was pulling 1000 “advisors” out in Dec 1963, all the rest of them by 1965. (see NSAM 263).  He was murdered on Nov 22, 1963, one month before the first 1000 could be pulled out.  Lyndon Johnson reversed this order with NSAM273 four days after the murder and by March 1965 500,000 American soldiers were in Vietnam.

The war in Southeast Asia, as part of the Cold War Strategy, had been in the works during Eisenhower’s Presidency, and since JFK had begun to show he was not going to go along with that plan, a cabal of powerful US officials, businessmen and intelligence people in collusion with military leaders, and some foreigners, decided to remove him. They did it surreptitiously, criminally, and with sophisticated planning, and covered their tracks with the help of compliant media. (See books by John Newman, James Douglass et al.)

Since the assassination involved so much of the hierarchy of the government and private business, particularly prominent individuals associated with the Texas oil industry, intelligence, defense communities, and powerful political figures, it was essentially a “government” decision – an official act of the State. This is the basic and honest reason why, if there are papers in the archives that prove this, they cannot be released.

This coup d’état set the US on the course we’ve been on since 1963, namely hegemony and military dominance on the world stage, driven by the needs of a thriving war machine.

First, the war in Vietnam, a ten-year debacle started by Lyndon Johnson in 1964, but planned years before, made a lot of money for those who promoted it, and devastated thousands of families in America and millions of people in Southeast Asia. People who began to speak out against this war policy were removed violently: not only John F Kennedy on November 22, 1963, but Malcolm X in February 1965, Martin Luther King in April 1968, Bobby Kennedy in June 1968 and even a monk, Thomas Merton in Dec 1968, among others.

Lyndon Johnson decided not to run for President again in 1968 after nearly 28,000 Americans had been killed in Viet Nam.  Richard Nixon continued the war until he was run out of office by “Watergate,” and nearly 30,000 more had been killed.  Both Nixon and Ford were aware of, if not actual participants in the cabal that took over – and their policies reflected this regime change – but Ford was so bad that a relatively unknown peanut farmer, Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter, easily beat him in 1976.

George H W Bush, as Director of CIA under the short term Presidency of Gerald Ford, 1974-1976, was able to keep a lid on the CIA’s criminal and illegal activities until the Church Committee’s (1975-76) disclosures.  CIA Director William Colby, after Bush’s short stint, admitted a lot of the crimes to that committee, exposing the so-called “family jewels.” Jimmy Carter’s CIA  Director, Stansfield Turner, did some major house cleaning at the agency after this disclosure.  Colby later probably paid with this life in a strange drowning incident in 1996 for his honesty, as he began to publicly question and discuss controversies surrounding the Franklin Scandal, among others.

The 1980 “October Surprise” was  a secret deal facilitated by future CIA Director Bill Casey and Reagan’s future VP and ex-CIA Director George H. W. Bush between Republicans and Iranian mullahs who were promised weapons and money if they held the Carter era US Embassy hostages until the election and defeat of Jimmy Carter. They held the hostages until the day of Reagan’s Inauguration.

Ronald Reagan continued the hegemonic war policy in South America by illegally funding Contras, supporting death squads and letting his Vice President George H.W. Bush run everything, until they got caught in the Iran-Contra scandal and Reagan had to publicly admit what they were doing – running guns and drugs all around the world.

“The Cabal” got back in the driver’s seat later in 1989 when George H. W. Bush assumed the Presidency. It is possible he would have ascended to the Presidency sooner than he did, as a member of the cabal that took over in 1963, but Reagan survived an assassination attempt in early 1981 and was elected twice.

William Clinton and George H. W. Bush were both part of this “Cabal,” this “deep state,” a sort of “League,” often referred to as the Uniparty, that was in charge.  Like the offense and defense scrimmage squads on the same team in football, they came from different “squads.” In 1992 Red squad member George H.W. Bush’s discrepancies, his CIA connection, his personal perversions, exposed by the Franklin Scandal, and a J Edgar Hoover memo exposing him as CIA in 1963, probably put Blue squad Clinton in the White House.  Actually, Ross Perot, a rare third party candidate received 21%, split the Republican vote, and essentially helped to inadvertently  elect Bill and Hillary Clinton.


1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention another motive. JFK signed an executive order in June 1963 to print debt free US notes, the value of which was based on silver in US vaults. The idea to bypass debt ridden central bank federal reserve notes thereby neutralize the FED. Post assassination Johnson yanked the US notes and returned to federal reserve notes. PS Carter's presidency (inordinate fear of communism), a total disaster area that unraveled a nation. Colby was investigating Clinton's malfeasance in office at the time of his death.
