Monday, September 9, 2024

Diaper Report

Diaper Report

It turns out that not only do “masks” not work – to “stop the spread” of anything besides fear, that is.

They also get people sick.

According to a study published in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety – the wearing of “masks” constitutes “a potential source for (the) inhalation and oral uptake of inanimate toxins.”  These include “micro and nanoplastics,” as well as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) leaching from the material that the wearer breathes through. There are also acrolein and phthalates, neither of which are good for your heath.

Here is the full quote from the Abstract:

24 studies were included (experimental time 17min to 15 days) evaluating content and/or release in 631 masks (273 surgical, 228 textile and 130 N95 masks). Most studies (63%) showed alarming results with high micro- and nanoplastics (MPs and NPs) release and exceedances could also be evidenced for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), xylene, acrolein, per-/polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), phthalates (including di(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate, DEHP) and for Pb, Cd, Co, Cu, Sb and TiO2.”

This confirms common sense. The same common sense that told sensible people that wearing a “mask” could not possibly “work” – especially if one wasn’t sick to begin with. That would be like saying wearing Depends “works” to prevent the continent from having accidents.

Common sense says that wearing a “mask” to filter out dust – as while using a power sander, especially in a confined space or while cutting the grass – might “work” for that purpose but wearing one all day long – for days and weeks and months and years – is probably not a good idea.

See that part above about what “mask” wearers have been inhaling.

What kids have been inhaling. More finely, what kids were forced to inhale – for weeks and months and years – by “authorities” who had the effrontery to insist that this forcing of “masks” on kids’ faces (and by dint of that, whatever went into the lungs of those kids) was for their health and safety.

Marvel at the audacity of it. Of the callous cruelty of it.

It was evident to anyone with any sense that forcing kids, especially, to wear “masks” was exceptionally vicious because of the fear it imparted. A fear that was – as is well-known now and was also known within months of the beginning of the “pandemic” – absurdly  disproportionate given that kids’ stood less risk of dying from “COVID” than they did from football practice or tripping down the stairs on the way to the cafeteria for lunch.

Yet “masking’ was imposed most mercilessly on kids – who were otherwise not allowed to attend school or participate in after-school/extracurricular activities such as sports. Kids playing sports were made to “mask” – and so forced to breath hard through the “masks” they were made to wear, increasing the quantity of crap that they were breathing in.

This was even more vicious than what was done to adults by employers who demanded workers “mask up” as a condition of employment because adults were free to quit and find other employment. Kids, on the other hand, have little choice about anything. The adults tell them what to do. And the kids can’t just quit school unless their parents back that up.

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