Monday, September 9, 2024

Ukraine And The Soros Factor

Deep Dive Into Soros Involvement In Ukraine

Reuters said on May 24th that at that years (2022) Davos meeting Soros said “Russia's invasion of Ukraine may have been the beginning of World War Three so the best way to preserve free civilization was for the West to defeat President Vladimir Putin's forces.”  The US Department of Defense said that since February 24th 2022 is when the US and its allies (think NATO) started to provide war supplies to Ukraine.  This appears to be an acknowledgement that the US is obeying Soros directives or that he approves of what he has gotten the US to do. 

And at the same time as mentioned in an interview on CNN that he was denying his involvement in all of the dissident revolutionaries when they said ““One of the things that many people recognized about you was that you, during the revolutions of 1989, funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in Eastern Europe and Poland, the Czech Republic,” Zakaria said. Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?

Soros responded: “Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since. And it played a — an important part in events now.

This comment is the crux of the claim that Soros admitted he’s behind upheaval in Ukraine. It’s not a secret that Soros’ Open Society Foundations funded projects in the 1980s aimed at “undermining the Communist Party’s grip on power,” as Politico put it several years ago.”  

The provable falsehoods in this are shocking as it is absolutely proven that he is indeed responsible for those activities and many more than those stated.  A good look at all of the riots and groups pushing dissent in our own nation proves that is just what he has been up to.

Moving on to February in 2023 we see he claims that a Ukrainian victory in the war with Russia would result in the collapse of Moscow’s empire and other captive Russian states are looking for their release as well.  That preceded the June announcement that his younger son Alex assumed the top job replacing the retiring of George as master of the revolutionary “democracy” forces they run all over the globe.  

With Alex now in power things start to accelerate when in August of 2023 it was announced that the OSF and Soros are not leaving Europe as had been claimed earlier.  Indeed, it appears that the pressure on Europe, especially Eastern Europe is increasing rapidly.  Alex said (through the OSF offices) that “We will also keep up — and dramatically increase — our efforts to secure equal treatment for Europe’s largest ethnic minority, the 12 million Roma” and that means the Baltic and the other eastern Europeans including his own Hungary and places like Kosovo and other Balkan states. 

Ukrainska Pravda said in November 2023 that they were announcing new projects to support the full scale war in Ukraine, and on that same day the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak met with Alex and determined that the “importance of seizing Russian assets and transferring them to rebuild Ukraine” was the subject of prime importance.  

One article suggested that “it is already apparent that it is not only speculators and big military industrial groups that are profiteering in Ukraine, but investment funds are also lining up in a bid to get a slice of the cake. Some say that Ukraine's leadership is selling out Ukraine to BlackRock.

 Larry Fink, the very evil magistrate of Blackrock, said that “I told the president that our job is to make sure that the new Ukraine is an open society, open economy, that if they are looking for that type of capital, the capital will be there, and we had many dialogues with them, and we'll have another dialogue with them later today.”   This means that Soros’ OSF and Blackrock are working together; one a revolutionary funding system and the other a capitalist oligarchy working to take over complete control of the Ukraine.  They claim this is for after the war, but this is already accomplished as far I can determine it.  Remember that an “open society” in these evil monsters vocabulary means absolute and total control of every man woman and child.

Next we see in the Magyar Nemzet publication in the Ukraine said in mid November 2023 that “Alexander Soros in Kyiv Puts in Appearance As EU Negotiator on Ukraine's Accession” and that “Alexander Soros has long been active in world politics, and to illustrate his ambitions, it will suffice to recall his recent talks in Ukraine. In early November, the new political and financial leader at the helm of the Soros empire paid a two-day visit to Ukraine, where he also met with members of the national parliament, as shown by photos uploaded to social media. Some of the images create the impression that Alexander Soros represented not only himself or his network, as the European Union flag also appears in the pictures, suggesting that George Soros's son could be facilitating preparations for Ukraine's accession to the EU. Several photos taken of the meeting in Kyiv feature the EU flag side by side the Ukrainian flag.”  Ambitious little bastard isn’t he?

Showing that Soros and the criminal regime infesting our White House are working hand in glove we see Laura Loomer in her November 9th blog in 2023 blog said that “Biden Administration has sent Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the city of Kyiv” and that Alex Soros also attended that meeting with the following very interesting tidbit; “Soros and Pete Buttigieg, a Biden Administration official, met while they were in Kyiv, but of course, neither of them posted photos of their meeting because, after all, why would the Biden Administration want the American people to know that they sent one of their officials to meet with a billionaire Democrat mega-donor just eight days prior to a congressional funding deadline debate centered around a discrepancy over funding for Ukraine.

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