Monday, August 19, 2024

Was Lebanon/Syria Earthquake Divine Intervention?

Is Lebanon's earthquake a testament to divine protection? - opinion

In our collective memory, Tisha B'Av has always been a solemn day, marked by the destruction of the First and Second Temples. This year, however, the day bore witness to what many of us view as a modern-day miracle—a testament to divine intervention that could not have come at a more crucial time.

Reports confirmed a 5.4-magnitude earthquake that struck Syria and Lebanon, profoundly impacting the region. This was not just any seismic event; it may have served as an unanticipated yet divine act that thwarted a grave threat against the Jewish nation. 

Hezbollah, an established proxy of Iran, had been preparing to launch an attack on Israel—a direct affront planned deliberately for Tisha B'Av. Many of the group's underground tunnels, teeming with armaments, may have been reduced to rubble by an act of God to protect His children, which could effectively halt Hezbollah's nefarious plan before it could materialize.

It is hard to perceive it as mere coincidence that the earth shook on the very day Hezbollah had intended to send Israel into mourning once more. With tunnels collapsing and their arsenals buried, what could have been a devastating assault turned into a day of bewildering relief and gratitude.

Throughout history, Jews have faced adversaries who sought to dismantle our spirit and our faith. This recent event is yet another example that, irrespective of the gathered forces against us, divine protection remains steadfast. Tisha B'Av, usually a day of sorrow and reflection, was transformed into a moment where we could see the hand of God in action, turning our potential despair into potential reassurance.

It is possible that say that Iran and Hezbollah must now be reeling from this unforeseen disruption. As Jews, this event could be a sign for us to come together—not in mourning, but in jubilation for the divine interception that may have averted what could have been a catastrophic event. While Tisha B'Avcontinues to remind us of our past losses, it also serves as a potent symbol of resilience and divine guardianship.

Burying Hezbollah's underground ambitions

Our historical lens allows us to see that despite the tragedies of our past, God’s protection has not waned. Hezbollah's underground ambitions may now lie buried, turned to ashes before they had any chance to harm us. 

Let us take this unexpected turn of events as an affirmation of our faith and as a powerful signal that our remnants of destruction can give rise to moments of salvation. Each tremor of that earthquake echoed not just physical destruction but a spiritual victory—a reminder that the forces protecting us are far greater than those threatening us. May we continue to find strength and solace in knowing that even in our darkest times, we are not alone and God will always be protecting us. 

Mark Hitchcock: Tectonic Shifts

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