Monday, August 19, 2024

Pallets Of Bricks Delivered Ahead Of Chicago DNC

Pallets of bricks delivered ahead of Chicago DNC; Antifa prepares for ‘summer of rage’

Suspicious deliveries of bricks have been reported in multiple locations across Chicago as the city braces for the Democratic National Convention (DNC) 'Hell Week.' Concerns mount as residents and officials recall similar tactics used by Antifa in past protests that erupted into widespread violence.

As the Democratic National Convention (DNC) approaches, Chicago has noticed a concerning trend that has raised alarm among residents and law enforcement. Pallets of bricks have mysteriously appeared on street corners, sparking speculation that the city could experience a new wave of organized chaos similar to other violent protests of previous years.

The presence of these bricks is not an isolated incident but a strategy with a well-known history. In the summer of 2020, similar deliveries were reported in various cities across the United States, including Minneapolis, New York, and Portland. These cities experienced protests against police brutality that turned into riots. Authorities and citizens connected these pallets of bricks to groups such as Antifa, alleging that the groups used them to arm protesters and stoke violence under the guise of legitimate demonstrations.

Skids of bricks already delivered near the DNC, right on schedule

In Chicago, the arrival of these deliveries has rekindled concerns about ‘Hell Week’—a term used to describe the period surrounding the DNC due to the expected large-scale protests and civil unrest. The gathering of thousands of protesters, activists, and political groups, some with a history of radical action, creates the potential for confrontations. Based on past events, these pallets of bricks could signal the possibility of violent clashes between demonstrators and law enforcement, leading to widespread property damage and chaos.

City officials and law enforcement agencies have reportedly increased surveillance. They monitor social media channels for signs of organized efforts to use bricks in planned attacks. Although no group has claimed responsibility for the deliveries, the strategic placement of these pallets in key locations raises the specter of an orchestrated campaign to turn peaceful protests into violent outbursts.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has urged calm and assured the public that the city is taking the necessary precautions to ensure safety during the DNC. However, many Chicagoans are haunted by memories of past summers when cities burned and looting became rampant. The possibility of another ‘summer of rage’ looms large, especially with the added volatility of the current political climate.

As Chicago prepares for ‘Hell Week,’ the presence of these bricks is a stark reminder of the fine line between peaceful protest and violent unrest. The city’s response in the days ahead will be crucial in deciding whether Chicago will emerge from this challenge unharmed or be plunged into another chaotic summer.

With the DNC just around the corner, the city’s residents and law enforcement are on high alert. They hope for the best but prepare for the worst. The presence of these bricks could be an ominous sign that the next chapter in the ongoing struggle between radical groups and the establishment is about to unfold on the streets of Chicago. Will this be the flashpoint that reignites a nationwide wave of violence, or will the city maintain control and keep the peace? Only time will tell as the countdown to ‘Hell Week’ continues.

DNC Erects Massive Wall Around Convention and Mandates ID for Entry — Yet Opposes Border Security and Voter ID Laws


  1. Is this really true ?

  2. Remove the bricks and any other objects that show up mysteriously for rioters and deposit them at elected officials’ homes. And if possible deposit the rioters at said homes. They can be housed there and set up residence. We have enough resources and can make this happen. Enlist the truckers and farmers, they have the equipment and expertise. Load them up and dump them in the front yards of these officials who live far away from the convention and make sure they’re democrats not that republicans are much better. These bricks are public property, we paid for them.
