Saturday, August 31, 2024

Tomorrow’s Election in Eastern Germany Shows AfD Surging - Globalist Parties’ ‘Firewall’ To Isolate the Right Wingers Is Crumbling

Tomorrow’s Election in Eastern Germany Shows AfD Surging, as the Globalist Parties’ ‘Firewall’ To Isolate the Right Wingers Is Crumbling

In the run-up to tomorrow’s state elections in the Eastern part of Germany, the mainstream globalist parties and the media are aligned in a panic over the population’s preference for the right wing AfD party, endlessly plotting ways to keep them out of power.

Politico reported:

“Ahead of three state elections across eastern Germany this September — including in Saxony and Thuringia this Sunday — the once-fringe party is polling first or close to first in all contests. That success is due to the party’s increasingly deep roots in small towns across the east like Großschirma, where in municipal and European Parliament elections in June, the AfD won around half the local vote, illustrating the extent to which it has become the dominant political power in the area.

The fact that so many voters in eastern Germany are increasingly embracing the far right points to the core issue underlying the divide: a stark loss of trust in the mainstream parties, institutions and the media. In the state of Saxony alone, only 41 percent of people are satisfied with the functioning of their democracy, according to a survey commissioned by the state government. Only one in ten people said they trust political parties, and only 15 percent said they trust the media.”

The AfD party has grown by embedding itself in the local level, where it has common-sense policies that normalize their existence away from the caricature of itself painted by the globalist goons.

Its strategy is to begin winning in municipalities and state parliaments. allowing it to eventually expand to the highest levels of national government.

AfD’s surge in support comes despite the persecution it suffers from state-level domestic intelligence authorities.

These agencies have classified AfD’s branches in Saxony and Thuringia as ‘extremist organizations aiming to undermine German democracy’.

But the truth is that in small German towns, AfD is ‘a banal fact of life’.

The globalist have no alternative than to try to impose a Brandmauer(firewall), around the party, refusing to include them in coalition governments.

Due to the AfD’s popularity in local politics across the east, the firewall has in many ways already fallen. Between 2019 and 2023, there were more than 120 cases of cooperation in local government between the AfD and mainstream parties, most often with the CDU, according to a recent study published by the progressive Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.”

As things stand now, AfD is poised to become the strongest party for the first time in at least two state elections.

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