Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Path To A Global Government:


TRYING TO DECIPHER THE PATH AHEAD BECOMES MORE DIFFICULT BY THE DAY. We are purposefully bombarded with misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda by the ruling class, designed to distract us from their real purpose, real agenda, and real plans to imprison us in their techno-gulag, eating zee bugs in our container-sized hovels, using our government issued CBDCs to subsist, unless we dared to question the approved narrative resulting in our social credit rating dropping into the domestic terrorist zone and getting us banned and shunned from society.

This is the New World Order that the Davos crowd has designed and will implement as the Great Reset, if they succeed in retaining and increasing control over the US and the rest of the Western World in the next six months.

Club of Rome and Council for the Human Future roundtable outlines a pathway towards a one world government by revising the United Nations Charter, along with an agenda to voluntarily reduce 75% of the human population, to create a global truth commission, and to establish an earth system currency.

On August 1, 2024 the Club of Rome and the Council for the Human Future published a report on a Roundtable discussion they co-hosted in July. Roundtable Final Report-4888122 – Roundtable Final Report-4888122.pdf

The report [above], “Roundtable on the Human Future: A World Call to Action on the Multiple Crises Now Enfolding Humanity,” says that “all human life could be extinguished” in the mid-to-latter half of the 21st Century due to climate change, overpopulation, new pandemics, misinformation, nuclear proliferation, and other perceived threats.

One solution proposed by Global Governance Forum executive director Augusto Lopez-Claros was “to boost the UN´s democratic legitimacy” by rewriting the UN Charter in order to give the unelected globalist body more power, authority, and jurisdiction over sovereign nations.

Lopez-Claros is a former chief economist at the World Economic Forum (WEF), and he has held high-level positions at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

“Create an Earth System Council, giving the UN system the capacity to pass binding legislation to protect our planetary environmental system and the common goods it provides, with necessary enforcement mechanisms” According to Lopez-Claros,

We move on towards a potentially catastrophic future of accelerating climate change, the continued unravelling of our nuclear order, rising and destructive nationalisms, and an economic paradigm that no longer delivers prosperity for all in a way that does not create social divisions and does not undermine the foundations of democracy.”

  • He said that our current: “system of international cooperation is no longer fit for purpose; it struggles to cope with the multiple unresolved crises that we face, often because it lacks the appropriate jurisdiction.”
  • Therefore, he and the ‘Global Governance Forum’ propose reforms to the UN Charter, such as establishing: “a UN of states and peoples through the creation of a Parliamentary Assembly,” and an “Earth System Council” that would have the authority “to pass binding legislation,” along with “necessary enforcement measures.”  “Move to a UN of states and peoples through the creation of a Parliamentary Assembly, as a complement to the General Assembly and to boost the UN´s democratic legitimacy.”
Augusto Lopez-Claros, Roundtable on the Human Future: A World Call to Action, July 2024: “One starting point and a project in which we have been engaged during the last two years is to put forward a detailed vision of what a new UN Charter would look like, to reflect the needs of the 21st century,” said Lopez-Claros. 

  • To create an ‘Earth System Council’, giving the UN system the capacity to pass binding legislation to protect our planetary environmental system and the common goods it provides, with necessary enforcement mechanisms.
  • To empower the UN to meaningfully advance disarmament globally and help create a conducive environment…
  • To bring about a new system to fund the UN, that provides a reliable, de-politicised, independent revenue stream, not unlike that in place already for several decades in the European Union.
  • “Imagination can open the door to great ideas such as questioning underlying assumptions, like the role of state sovereignty in a world of global interdependence”

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