Sunday, June 23, 2024

Canada prepares for mass evacuation of citizens from Lebanon

Canada prepares for mass evacuation of citizens from Lebanon - report

In response to escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah along the Lebanese border, Canada is gearing up for what could be its largest-ever evacuation operation, aimed at safeguarding approximately 45,000 Canadian citizens currently residing in Lebanon.

Reports from Hebrew media outlet Channel 12 indicate that Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly conveyed the gravity of the situation in a tense exchange with her Israeli counterpart, Israel Katz.

Joly informed Katz that Ottawa has already dispatched military forces to the region in preparation for the evacuation, underscoring the seriousness with which Canada views the potential for conflict.

The conversation, described as intense, highlighted Canada's proactive measures amid fears of a full-scale war erupting between Israel and Hezbollah. Katz, in turn, urged Canada to exert diplomatic pressure on Iran, Hezbollah's primary backer, to rein in the militant group and prevent further escalation of hostilities.

"The window of opportunity is closing," Katz emphasized, expressing Israel's concerns over the security situation along its northern border. He stressed that Israel cannot tolerate a scenario where residents are displaced from their homes due to security threats posed by Hezbollah.

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