Wednesday, July 26, 2023

WEF And Marx

How They Are Destroying Millions of Lives

Interest rates were kept absurdly low for years in order to trap businesses and homeowners into acquiring huge debts. As interest rates race up towards normal the cost of servicing loans and mortgages becomes impossible. Millions who bought overpriced houses and flats will become penniless slaves – forever doomed to pay off lifetime mortgages, student debts and mounting credit card debts while finding themselves in a constant fight against inflation – a fight they can never win.

By Dr. Vernon Coleman

As interest rates rose in England in 2023, the Government generously encouraged banks to extend mortgages indefinitely, to allow interest-only mortgages and to delay repossessions. These two policies sound well-intentioned but they will, of course, result in the people who paid too much for their home (or took on too large a mortgage) being indebted for life and constantly struggling to pay off a mortgage on a home they will probably never own. Modern houses and flats on which they owe 30, 40 and even longer mortgages are so badly built (according to building regulations dreamt up by bureaucrats in accordance with the requirements of building industry lobbyists) that they will not last that long. There will be many defaults, with bankruptcies inevitable – thereby leading to the situation where more and more people own nothing, and the banks are happy. It’s what they want, of course.

It is curious, is it not, how the phrase “you will own nothing and be happy,” which is believed to have originated with the World Economic Forum can be compared to the principles of the communist revolution as described in Karl Marx’s ‘Communist Manifesto’.

Marx wrote that in order to establish a socialist dictatorship and to obtain total control over the proletariat, the communists would have to eliminate all rights to private property, destroy all religion (which Marx famously described as “the opiate of the people”) and dissolve the family unit which was seen as a threat to the ability of the State to obtain total control over people’s lives. Traditional religions will be replaced by a faith in nature as defined by the United Nations and promoted by the consortium of bankers who are managing the global economy. Astonishingly, the leaders of traditional religions have accepted the change, and the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury seem happy to commit themselves and their followers to the pseudoscience in preference to the traditional teachings their religions have espoused. It doesn’t seem to matter to them that the science is provably fake; they are wedded to, and happy to influence, the blasphemies promoted by the rabid environmentalists.

And, of course, education has been deliberately destroyed in order to ensure that future generations are semi-literate and semi-numerate and do not ask unanswerable questions.

To ensure that pupils appear to have done well in examinations they are shown the exam papers beforehand. There is then much feigned but convincing and delighted surprise when students who have been allowed to know the questions in advance do well.

News that illiteracy and innumeracy among children had reached new heights is given less publicity in the craven mainstream media which never reports anything inconvenient or contrary to the views of the conspirators.

Publishers, attempting to shore up the flimsy, manufactured evidence that children and young adults are still being educated, boasted that the sale of paperback books had risen. What they didn’t say was that the books they are selling are mostly colouring in books for adults – books which do not require the reader to be able to read or to write.

And health care has been destroyed too.

1 comment:

  1. The truth sounds like hate to those whom hate truth. “He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches.” “I know thy works.”
