Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Disaster Ukraine:

Ukraine Complete Disaster – Neocons Lose Again?

Ukraine is a complete disaster. I have been warning that our sources from UKRAINE, not Russia, have been warning that the country is on the brink of collapse. The American Neocons are being confronted with the fact that there NEVER was any chance that Ukraine would defeat Russia and putting this high-heel questionable gender dancer in high heels in charge of war was in itself a war crime. 

There is absolutely no war Ukraine can win anything. This is why Zelensky has been so desperate to drag in NATO because he knows they cannot retake the Donbas no less defeat Russia. The American Neocons were hoping to weaken Russia so they could contrive some scheme to justify going in for the kill.

There are rumblings behind the curtain now that a peace deal has to be struck or Ukraine will collapse if their own troops do not rise up and assassinate Zelensky for his profiteering and slaughter of his own people. After all, numerous Roman generals found themselves in a position where they did not want to fight so they assassinated their leader. In the case of Maximinus I (235-238AD), his own men, humiliated by their defeat, now entered the tent of Maximinus and murdered him. To demonstrate their new loyalty to Rome, they cut off his head and sent it to Rome. This was no isolated incident. It became rather common for the troops when ordered to fight a wrong war, turned to assassinate their own general.

“Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons—from shells to warplanes—that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day.”

The fact that this even appeared in the press shows that there is discontent behind the curtail. 

All we have heard to date are lies about how Russia is weak and losing. That is precisely the opposite of the truth and that is info from Ukraine – NOT Russia. 

Zelensky has kept up a false image of victory only to keep the money flowing into Ukraine. The population of Ukraine had stood at about 36 million before the war. At least 500,000 are now dead and the real number of Ukrainians who have fled their home may now exceed 10 million. Zelensky has destroyed his country all for the Donbas which was never Ukrainian territory nor occupied by Ukrainians. This has been a proxy war against Russia and Zelensky has BETRAYED HIS OWN PEOPLE for a handful of silver.

Zelensky’s dream of selling Ukraine to Blackrock is really disgusting. He has had no problem letter his country brun because the more that burns, the greater the rebuilding project. He has been bragging that this will be the biggest investment opportunity for Europe with no mention of how many Ukrainians must die for he dream. Many have compared him to Nero letting Rome burn so he could build his grand golden palace.

Poland is likely to take Western Ukraine in the outcome here. That was their territory 1918-1945 and the Ukrainians slaughtered more than 100,000 Polish simply for ethnic cleansing. What is not given a lot of attention is that within Ukraine, there are ethnic Polish and Hungarians who have also been abused by the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians did far worse than just killing Polish for which they have refused to ever apologize.

The Polish Association of Memory of Victims of Crimes of Ukrainian Nationalists documented 135 methods of torture and murder practiced by Ukrainian Nazis. Poland officially called the Ukrainian actions genocide. The Ukrainians have been protected by the CIA for decades ONLY because they hated Russians. They continue to protect the Ukrainian Nazis only because they are waging war against Russia.

The Ukrainians were unprecedented in their war crimes during WWII and the sheer outright cruelty one would expect only exists in some B-Rated horror movies. This included:

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